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"Lee! What time do you call this?" I groan when I feel Uncle Derrick pull the blanket off me. I hear him open the curtains and whine when the light shines onto my face, I huff and burying my head under my pillow.

"Five more minutes."

"That's what you said forty minutes ago." The bed dipped and I felt him rest his hand on my shin. "Look, your aunt told me that you and Zac got into a fight-"

"Please not this." I interrupt, lifting my head to look at him. I wince at the harsh light and cover my eyes with my hands.

"What's wrong?" He pats my leg. "Talk to me, dear."

I let out a deep breath. "The other day I had him on the phone-"

"You two fought over a phone call."

"Who's side are you on?" I frown, dropping my hands down, and he holds up his hands in defence. "I thought you didn't even like Zac."

Uncle Derrick shrugs lightly. "Don't tell him, but he has grown on me."  He says with a small smile.

I nod. "It wasn't just a phone call." I let out a sigh. "It was what he said and the fact he never told me."

"What did he say?"

"He mentioned that, the person shouldn't be calling him, and that she doesn't know." I stare up at my ceiling and hear Uncle Derrick sigh.

"I'll admit, that doesn't sound good." He replies. "And i am not Zac's biggest fan, you know this but, if you haven't spoken to him about the matter properly than there's no need for you to overthink it."

"Too late for that." I dryly chuckle. I huff, because he was right. "I don't want to be right." I say in a quieter voice.

"Who's says that you will be?" Uncle Derrick's face appears in my view with a smile. I gave a small smile back. "You may be a lot of things, Lee, but stupid is the furthest thing."


"And besides." He sat me up on my bed. "If you are right then just remember that I have connections."

I laugh at his comment and he smiles wider at my laughter. "Talk to him." He says. "And get up, because you're a mother and a med student."

I roll my eyes. "Don't remind me." I sigh. "Maybe I should've pushed university back for a few more years."

Uncle Derrick shakes his head. "That's not necessary, Lee. You have an amazing support system around and still entitled to live your life while raising Alika in hers."

I nod, glancing over at Alika's crib. I had one put in my bedroom. "They would be proud of you." I look over at my uncle, he nods.

"Thank you." Is all I say, glancing back over at my daughter.

Uncle Derrick kisses my head then stands up, before leaving my room. "Also breakfast is ready." He calls from the hallway.

"Okay." I yell back, climbing out of my bed myself. I stretch my arms while walking to Alika, she's still fast asleep. Resting my head on the crib, I peek to check her nappy and thankfully there is no mess at the moment.

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