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"What if they don't like me?" I repeat for the millionth time. Zac sighs and we stop walking, he looks at me. I give him a serious look. "I'm not kidding, first your dad and Simone-"

"My mum is nothing like them." He assured me, squeezing my hand. I give a small nod and he winks. "You've got this baby."

I smile and take a deep breath while Zac opens the door to the kitchen. Gnawing on my lip, I keep my arms around Alika and follow Zac into the kitchen.

"Took you long enough." A woman's voice says, her accent is quite strong and her English is perfect. All eyes fall on me, as soon as I come into view, and I swallow the spit in my mouth.

The woman has her dark hair tied back in a bun and her dark eyes move from Zac onto me. Her thin brows lift and a smile forms on her lips. "You must be Lee."

A young boy is sat on island, stares at the Zac and I for a few seconds, before returning his attention back to his phone. His hair is dark also and his eyes are hidden with a pair of thick glasses. That must be Levi.

I nod with a smile. "Its lovely to properly meet you....." My voice trails off because I realise that Zac never told me her name. I glance at him and he sends me an apologetic look.

She chuckles and sets down the mixing bowl in her hand. "Just call me Eliza, it's easier." She walks over to me and rests her hands on my shoulders, examining me. "She's beautiful." Eliza tells Zac, now looking at him. "I've heard so much about you, Lee. You're all Zac talks about, well you and this little angel." Her fingers runs down Alika's cheek and she gives her a warm smile.

"Mum." I hear Zac whine, I glance over at him and see that he's slightly blushing. I smile. Eliza laughs and her laugh is similar to Zac's, Zac looks fairly much like his mother.

"Well I'm not lying." She shrugs. "It's always, Lee this Lee that." Zac shakes his head and I beam at her words, nudging his arm slightly. Zac shakes his head but smiles. Eliza looks back at me. "Can I?"

I nod and hand her Alika, who lets out a small whine but Eliza comforts her. "Oh of course, she's your granddaughter."

"She better be." Eliza says with a smile. I bite back my tongue at her comment and just force a laugh. Zac also clears his throat at her words but Eliza pays not attention, she's busy looking at Alika. "What is her name again? Alice-"

"Alika." I correct her. "Zac chose the name."

Eliza looks from me to Zac. "What made you choose that name?"

Zac awkwardly shifts his foot and I wrap my arms around myself. "It's a long story mum."

"Well we have all weekend." Eliza shrugs and I raise my eyebrows slightly but don't speak. Alika blabs in her own language, her dummy in her mouth so it muffles her noises. Eliza let's out a small laugh. "Oh isn't she precious?" I hum. "She has your eyes Zac and your nose Lee."

I just smile. "Thank you."

"She will know Korean." Eliza looks at Zac, who nods.

"Of course."

"And you've been talking to her in both languages-"


"Do you speak any languages Lee?" Her eyes fly over to me and I feel my face flush. I shake my head, feeling very embarrassed for some reason.

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