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I woke up groggily as I rub my eyes using the back of my hands. I slowly open my eyes and my eyes roamed at my room.

What happened earlier is still vivid and keeps playing on my mind like a broken record. I remember that dad stay here with me until I fell asleep. I look at the clock and it is 9:00pm. I was asleep for 9 or 8 hours. I couldn't tell if I'm hungry or not but I need water. I was about to got up when I heard a knock on my door. My mood lighten up, thinking that the one who knock on my door is Mew, holding a tray with my food on it.

I excitedly got up and open the door but my smile fade when I saw dad. "Can I come in?," He asked carefully. I nodded. I let him go inside and I closed the door.

"You must be thinking that I Mew. Isn't it?," He beamed. This is the first time he talked to me like this since those two bitches came to our life.

"No dad. Not really," I rolled my eyes, earning a laugh from him. It somehow made me smile knowing that he is happy.

"Here's your food. Now eat, after that, go to his room." He said. He went near me and pat my shoulder. "Don't let him get away,"

"A-Are you not against our relationship?," I asked. His brows furrowed.

"No. Why would I be against it?," He pats my head and ruffle my hair a bit making me groan. "I am a useless father," I was shock when that words came out of his mouth. "Since Lucy and Diana came, my attention diverted to them that I didn't know that I am not giving you and Grace the attention that you needed." His voice filled with sadness. "I promise to your mom that I will take good care of you two but I didn't fulfill it," tears slowly streaming down his face as his voice broke. I didn't waist any time and hug my father. I miss all of this so much. All of this. He chuckled and ruffle my hair. "Dad, I agree at what you said, but what you said about you being a useless father wasn't true.. at all." He snorted. I timidly smile. "I mean yes but not really you know what I'm saying? Because if you are then you wouldn't dare to ask me or Grace where are we going if you saw us dressed neatly, you wouldn't stay up all night when you learn that I'm still not home. You wouldn't give us what we need, though you just gave our physical need but.. yeah. And lastly, you wouldn't hire a butler that I am now deeply inlove with,"

He caressed my cheek. "You are now a grown old boy, son. I'm happy that you find your true love, or maybe not—,"

"Dad!," I gave him a bad look. What he said is unacceptable, to me.

"We can't say that he is really for you, son."

"Then I will make it happen! I wouldn't accept that he isn't the one for me!,"

"Now, that's the attitude that Mew loves," he teased. "I'm so sorry son. I hope you will forgive me so we could start a new life. No Lucy no Diana. Just you me and Grace but.. she's still busy with her husband," he pouted. My mouth agape. Wow, never know my dad can pout like that.

"I forgive you dad," I smiled. We hug each other again and then he pulled away.

"Now eat! Talk to him. I'll go now. I am just at my room son, tell me if Mew refuse to talk to you. And if he wouldn't, then I just hope you two will just talk. Just talk okay?," I just grunted. Dad went out of my be room after he bid his goodbye. I felt relief knowing that there is no pest in this house now. And I am happy to know that we will start a new life. Really.

And just like what dad said, I eat my food even though I don't know if I am really hungry but I guess I am. If you ask me if I am okay? No. The pain in my heart is still there. Excruciating and nearly unbearable. Even how much I sigh to take the pain away, it's still there. Only Mew can get this pain away in my heart and I hope, he thinks the same. After finishing my food. I went to his room. I am thinking if i should do the same as what I do before, that I climb on his roof and jump on the window to get inside. But that would drive him mad I guess. So I chose what he said before. I knock on his room but no one answer. I bit my lower lip to stop my tears from falling but I failed.

I keep knocking and knocking and there is no one answering me. I fall down caressing my chest, massaging it as the pain is getting more constructing. I wiped my tears and sniff.

I held the door knob and stood up. If he won't open the door, then I think I should just go inside. There I saw him, sleeping peacefully. And I snorted when I saw earphones that are on his ears.

Wow, does he hate me that much that he out earphones in his ear so when I knock on the door or shout, he won't hear me.

Thinking about it making me wanna make it up with him. I'll promise I'll do anything that he want. I went near him, slowly and carefully. His brows furrowed. I slowly brought my finger to his furrowed brows and massage it. There, he is not frowning anymore. I am trying my best not to sniff because it might awake him. As long as I want to wake him up and talk to me, I wouldn't dare to do it. He need to rest. I know what he heard earlier hurt him so much. And I understand that he still doesn't want to talk to me but I'm stubborn and well.. a brat. And he knows that. So as much as he doesn't want to talk to me, I will still make a way so I could talk to him.

I stare at his face for a moment and decided to got up since he is already sleeping I don't want to wake him up. I went out of his room and went back to my own room.

I took a bath and lay on my bed as I stare at the ceiling, the scene of him sleeping earlier came up to my mind. God knows how much I want to caress his cheeks, plant kiss on his forehead on his cheek on his nose and lastly on his lips. I want to talk to him so bad, to sort things out like how he is to me when we are having a fight. Usually when we are having a fight, he won't let any one of us sleep, we won't sleep until we didn't talk about it. But now, he was the one who go to bed first. I wipe my tears that I didn't know that I am already crying.

I face my window and close my eyes. I need to sleep and tomorrow we will talk. I don't have plans on letting this misunderstanding, destroy us. 


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