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If I could make a estimated guess I'd say it's been 2 months since the last time I wrote and some shit has went down. See our cabin in the woods wasn't as secluded as I thought. One day a group of bikers pulled up to ransack the place but found us. They gave us two options after they saw all of our supplies, join us or die. So we joined but one of the requirements was similar to a gang we all had to get jumped in but I convinced the leader Alan aka Chief to let me take three beatings for the family and he agreed. They stopped after one and a half because Alan thought I couldn't walk if I was crippled so then we rode in side cars. We travelled town to town scavenging for what we could, also the name of the bikers is 'The 76 Dogs' despite there being fifteen members. Apparantly the gang originally started in 1976 according to James the groups mechanic, who seems to be a nice guy but this is still a gang. It strangely feels safe ya know, because they take care of the 'chompers' as Chief refers to them but I digress. Nicky has made friends with some of the other wives but poor Oliva is all alone for time being, but she is alive witch is all that matters. I don't plan on staying with the Dogs but as long as we have to, even though desertion witch in the gang is punishable by hanging but I'm not scared we'll be like a church mouse steal their supplies and a couple of bikes and get the hell outta Dodge.

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