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My name is Mike Miller and my previous entry date was two days ago. The last you read from me I had just shot a deer and was so excited to feed my family. But I also previous said that the cold was keeping the dead from being as active, but I was wrong man I was so wrong. I was dragging the deer back to our cabin and I let go of the deer and turned around while I was stretching the pain out of my back I saw hundreds of them so I dropped the deer and ran I ran as fast as I possibly could and started to gather me and Olivia's belongings. Then Nicky walked in and started bitching at me about making noise I snapped and yelled at her about how she has been treating me and that there was a wave of death coming. So we got running we ran for hours but they were always behind us. We ran into a house we saw after we got a good bit of distance and we planned on hiding out while they walked past. It was a two story house so we ran up stairs to hid out. But then she started yelling at me about how I was a pathetic, no good, spineless husband, and that she was cheating on me with Charlie and that they were fighting because she found out about me and that all I do is ruin her life. Then I started yelling and we didn't even see a dead one right behind her. It took a bite into her neck and without hesitation I took the knife that I was gonna carve the deer with and stabbed that undead son of a bitch over and over again, looking back at it counting it in my memory I believe I stabbed that motherfucker fifty seven times. While I was butchering that dead guy Nicky held our precious light of joy while she bleed out. A few hours later I just stayed on my knees and looked at the dead guy. His unrecognizable face, dirty clothes, loafer shoes, and how skinny he was. Did he try to hid out and starve to death? Could he have gotten bit? While thoes thoughts went through my head Nicky wiped her eyes and sniffed up her snot and yelled at me to. "Look at us LOOK AT US". She kept yelling louder and harder until I turned and looked at my dead daughter and the woman I used to know. Then she tells me she's sorry. Then right when I went to speak, I was about to say I love you even though I didn't any more and undead version of my daughter sat up and took a bite out of Nicky's throat and I didn't cry more I was just emotionally and physically tapped out so I just pulled out my revolver and shot Nicky first then my baby girl, my daughter. Your Dr. Jones, writing has been very therapeutic and it has helped me alot but now when I say I wanna kill myself not only will I actually go though with it it will be the only thing I do right.
                              - Mike  Randolph Miller

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