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I traced my finger on the digital board from a distance to spot the timings of my flight.
Still had two hours before the boarding time. Not really my fault if I wanted to arrive early, you know? All I wanna do is get away from this place.

Being tired is one thing, and being tired with everything is another thing. I fall into the second category. There are things in life that somehow seem so far away from you, and no matter how much you want to extend your hand and hold on to them, all you realise in that single splitting moment, is that you might never be able to touch that finish line. Metaphorically speaking, life is a not-so-neatly produced fabric of cloth. It is knit haphazardly. Strings going in the wrong places, some tightly knit, some closely knit, and all in different colours. Some with blinding powers, and some that loomed within darkness.

And right now, I was pretty much desperately clinging on to a dark string. Why? Don't ask. The last thing I would need-

Fuck! Ouch! I shook my head a little to shake off the subtle haze in my eyes. I held my head in my hands as I heard the sound of something falling on the floor. Like. Like a wine glass kinking on something harsh. Or like a spoon hitting a metal bowl. OR MY BRAND NEW PHONE ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!

I looked up to see the despicable 'something' that made me drop my precious phone that I was clutching so tightly. All I saw was a man. A guy in his mid 20s. Black hair with bangs, clean shaven, a black turtleneck sweater and the most captivating detail that caught my attention- hazel tinted eyes.

I arched my eyebrows at him as he looked at the floor. The airport floor. It was a metropolitan airport, of course it was fancy. The floors were clean. They even smelled of phenyl. Everything was good. What was not good was that my brand new phone was lying there face down on THAT floor. Horror took over me when I realised that my phone could have broken due to the tremor since I didn't bother putting up a screen guard since I didn't fucking know some dude was going to randomly bump into me.

It took me 10 seconds to realise that there were two phones on the floor. Well, I was partially at fault too I guess.
It was then that he looked up at me.

"What the heck?! Are your eyes even functional?!" echoed his voice.

And that was enough to boost my half assed anger.

"You're the one at fault! You bumped into me!" It was mine. I was peering into my phone to check the time while turning around.

"I was walking down the hallway and I was minding my own business. How would I have known that some freak would just decide to collide out of literally nowhere?!"

"You know what? I don't have time to waste" Yes. Yes I did. I had a lot of time to waste.

"Neither do I! Now move out of my way!"

"Who do you think you are? The Prince of England?" Yes. He certainly did look like one.

"Any prince would know better than to talk with an angry lady like you!" He crouched down on the floor to pick up his phone.


"Did you just- did you just call me a bitch-"

"Glad to know atleast your ears work good enough" I sneered at him.

"Just how pretentious can you be?!"

"Very!" Yes. Very.

"You have some serious issues miss"

"Well thank you for the insight!" I yelled.

"Why are you yelling at me-" he yelled back.

"I DON'T KNOW! I'M A MESS! NOW GO AWAY!" I continued yelling.

Was yelling a good way to bring your mental health back on the good track? Yes. Yes it was.  Was yelling at a random stranger in the airport a good way? No. No it wasn't. 

He gave me a look, a look that I had never really seen before. And then picked up his phone. And left the place. But not before sticking his tongue out at me. Well, I guess Freud was right. Being stuck as a child was possible after all.

I followed the directions on the sign boards to get to my assigned gate. After riding the escalator about 2 times, I reached my gate.

I put my handbag on the seat beside me and pulled my phone out of the back pocket on my white jeans. Only to realise that this wasn't my phone. So, why does God hate me again?

(a/n: well hello again

to those of you who don't know me, wait how do you not know me-

anyway, yes i wrote lwmbf once with kat and yes i am back after leaving this acc dead for sometime

let's skip the formalities, we all know who the girl is, and we all know who the guy is so- yeah- anyway, this isn't going to be a long book since i was originally planning for it to be a one shot but i hope it comes out well enough! comment if you'd like to <3

well bye for now~


fly with me//siddjannWhere stories live. Discover now