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Jannat's POV: Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bunch of people line up along the aisle. They were getting their baggage out of the upperhead cabins. Seeing everyone leave, made me not want to. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to leave this place. I didn't want to leave him. 

What if it's him? What if he's the one that I've been searching for? What if he's the moment I belong to? 

He was a beautiful soul. He was definitely one of those 10 people that you'd meet in your life and remember them for as long as you live. Those few moments, those few hours, will impact your thoughts, and feelings for a long, long time. It's not the amount of time you spend with them, it's just about how you spend it with them. Just the way he talked about Section 307 of the law. Just the way he talked about the surprise element that was needed in every mystery novel to ever exist. The way he laughed when I guessed the wrong murderer. The way he said those soothing words about not forcing myself to forget my ex. The way there was always a sparkle in his eyes when he was talking about something he knew very well. The way he made fun of a bunch of the other passengers with me. (don't judge us, we're retards and we had nothing better to do). The way he flinched when I woke up to realise that I had fallen asleep on his shoulder. The way he got me tissues and told me to let it all out. The way he looked at me to check if I was listening to him. The way his long eyelashes moved up and down everytime he rolled his eyes at something stupid I said. The way his heart beat put me to sleep in the first place. The way I felt like I had known him forever, despite meeting him like a day ago. Where were you all my life?

I know. I know I'd never get to be with him. I know I will never know how he holds his coffee mug in the morning. I know I will never know how he likes his coffee- hot or cold. I know I will never know who his favorite people are. I know I will never know what was the one place he'd like to visit before he dies- wait, I already know that- 

And I know that I will never know if he'd ever be the type of guy to fall for someone just like that, willing to risk it all. But. But. I wanted an 'us'. Call it a closure thing, call it a "just after break up thing", but in that moment I knew what I wanted. I wanted him. More than my white sneakers. 

So, you, am I wrong for wanting us to make it? 

You are cruel. So fucking oblivious to my feelings. Feelings that I just developed. But, I won't tell you anything. 

On a side note, he looks so pretty like a devil. 

Anyway, I'm ready to let go of you. Mostly because I don't have any other option but-

I hope you finish reading your precious book, and I hope you're happy with whoever committed it. I hope you enjoy writing the sequel to your series' first adaptation. I hope you like writing about new characters. I hope you get lost in your book's world. I hope you get enough sleep, considering the fact that you haven't slept in the past 23 hours. I hope you can find someone to appreciate the little things that you do, that are so annoyingly adorable. I hope you find everything that you've been looking for. I hope you are happy. And most importantly, I hope you reach home safe.

Dear incredibly lovable stranger of mine, I don't have anything else to say to you. Except for, you

I made it. I got out of a painful breakup. And I fell in love with a stranger. But I'm okay. Because I know that it'll be alright. I had found the warmth of support that he had shown me, the entire goddamn ride. And I know for a fact that I'll never forget it. 

He got up and took out his baggage silently. I never really noticed how tall he was. I got up next and followed his actions, and turned to look at him. Well then, this is it.

As soon as our feet touched the ground, I felt him walk away from me. Into the distance. He was fading. Maybe I wasn't ready to let go of him yet. God dammit. 

I trailed along to the airport's insides and went to get my extra luggage from the baggage belt. He wasn't anywhere around me. Well. Bye, you.

I dragged my huge ass suitcase to the exit and got my phone out. It was then that I felt something tug my arm. I turned back to see him. He was standing right there. Looking pretty as ever. Looking more like himself than ever. 

He smiled at me, and I smiled back, it was contagious. I didn't have much expectations. I knew he was just going to say goodbye to me. And then leave. That's what they all do anyway.

"No bye?" he asked.

"I hate goodbyes, I thought I told you that" I flinched. 

"Makes sense. But sometimes, bidding a goodbye to someone is the better option, you know?"

"You're not that someone, then" I put my hand out in front of his face.

He laughed, "You are that someone for me, then".

If only you knew.

"Well since you're insisting, goodbye, I guess"

"Mmhm, bye. Get over that asshat as soon as you can, yeah? I wish you luck for everything in life" 

I smiled, delirious on the outside, "That's very nice of you, and I wish the same for you"

No. I wish so much more than that.

"Goodbye, and goodluck" he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

I took my hand forward hesitantly. Ugh I knew this was going to be the end of me. DAMN YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH.

His hand was surprisingly cold. But I knew there was a certain warmth within it so, a smile naturally embraced my lips. 

"You're talking as if, you're going to shut yourself from this world and just disappear out of the blue" I said.

"Oh that's something I'd definitely do. But in this case, I doubt it. I look forward to seeing you again, bitch."

"Catching up on the "bitch" now, are we?" I smiled.

"Seems so".

"...Someday?" his eyebrows arched themselves.

"Someday." I said, and heard my own heart shatter as if it were clear glass.

But. Someday.

                              the end~

[a/n: y'all i finished it i finished the book whoop whoop

also, crying in the closet brb

thanks a bunch for all the wonderful support babies!

this book started out when i saw this show that had a bunch of one shot stories and i was like fuck wasn't i writing a one shot book too-

and i originally wanted to put this as the last installment of the you and i series but then i thought i might as well make it into a teeny tiny book yeah

and, if any of you wondered why i kept such odd names for all the chapters, i picked a colour code hehe,, each colour represents an emotion that is predominant in that particular chap yes

and the ending? no comments-

i had fun writing it tbh, some of these incidents were from my real life (emphasis on some.)

but yes the whole point of this book was to point out the fact that i know how every one keeps saying that life is short but i feel like that's stupid cuz its really not. its long and if you fill it with colours, it'll be better than beautiful ha.
yes anyway, the main point was to tell you that you should give love a try as many times as you can, and as many times as you want to. and it can happen anywhere and anytime, so dont believe in bs quotes like "oh fml i fell in love w the right person at the wrong time". no. that's not how it works. if you think the timing was wrong, then it really wasn't.

and idk would y'all want an epilogue?

well i will miss y'all and see you again, i hope <3

aight imma head out now

love love x

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