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You ever talk to someone completely random and be like, why? Just why? Well I dont know about you. But I know about myself. This man sitting beside me. He just went on and on and on about mysteries and detectives and what not. And I didn't want him to stop. He was keeping me distracted, which I more than appreciated.

"Yeah no" he chuckled.

"It was the butler"

"WHAT? NO WAY!" My voice went a pitch up by itself, effortlessly.

Everything that he said was a surprise. Everything that he did was a surprise. He was a surprise. He was like one of those magicians, weirdly. You wouldn't be able to predict his next move. You wouldn't be able to predict his actions. He'll just take you by surprise and make you feel shit. Not feel like shit. But feel shit. As in, feelings.

Just the way he blinked twice when he was about to ruin the surprise element, unwillingly. The way he moved his hands in the air while explaining to me how and why the butler did what he did in one of his stories. The way he paused every once in a while to drop a "Are you listening?-". Of course I was listening. He was being so kind. Well, that is, if you ignore the fact that his butler genuinely caused his master a cerebral contrusion. Brutal? Yeah pretty much.

His voice was soothing. I didn't want him to stop. I felt like I was falling in. Into a deep pit. Where there was nothing but more of him. More of this stupid homicidal maniac of a man. But I didn't hate it. Not even a bit.

He reminded me of my ex at one point.  And I started crying without realising it. He noticed it and asked me, "Do you feel like getting back together with him?"

"Never in a million years after what he did to me" I said.

"Then are you having trouble saying goodbye?"

"Of course I am. I loved him and he played me. I am so mad at him it makes me want to do what the butler did to his master to him"

"Ahh classic reference" he smiled.

"Well in that case, may I join you miss?" He asked, laughing solemnly.

"Who else is going to help me escape without a trace?" I laughed back while wiping my tears off.

"Well, I would just say, that you don't have to forget him if you don't want to. I think that's what makes humans humans. Not having to say goodbye to some people and to some memories because they were undoubtedly some of the best things that ever happened to them. So it's okay."

"Has anyone ever told you that you give out really good advice?"

"Nah not really"

"I think he was one of those people who meant something to me you know?"

"You'll find someone else along the way. People come and go all the time. Its going to be okay"

"Thanks. For everything" I couldn't help but smile.

He was a stranger goodness sake. But he was like a million times nicer than my ex. And it made me want to fall for him more. But it was wrong. And I couldn't. Life's so full of shit.

(a/n: hello people

i had exams all week lmao i was busy

anyway drop comments if youd like to

see you soon


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