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anxiety pierced through my body as i drove to get drew. i was scared for what he would say and do. i'm also wondering why he decided to come. maybe he just wanted to enjoy the ocean again, but he could also be here for me.


so much relief is visible when i see drew waiting for me. his left hand holds a small, blue backpack, his right holds his phone. i receive a notification from him.


are you here

yes sir
gray toyota


when i see drew smile towards me, i can't wait another second to be in his arms.

as he jogs to the car, i jump out of my car. drew opens his arms, and crouches down a little. i smile as tears fall down my face.

"thank you so much." i cry into drew's shoulder.

"i missed you." drew replies.



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tagged - drewstarkey

•valeriabeene -   reunited and it feels so good <333


hichasestokes - thank god

jamesbeeneee - hurry up and get here i miss you

madelyncline - aww

rudeth - drew has gone to turks twice and i haven't gone once. does anyone see a problem?
^valeriabeene - no problem here

author - i took this sunset photo too ❤❤

load 1,659 other comments


pulling in front of my old home gave me an insane amount of deja vu. there were already boxes in the open garage, which made me feel horrible for my brother, james.

drew's head turns towards me. he places a hand on my thigh.

the question of whether drew and i were really in love still wrapped my mind. did he ever really love me? did i ever love him?

"this sucks." i say, breaking the silence. drew nods as he stares at my previous home.

"yeah." drew agrees. "you got it, though."

"i don't know drew. last time i was here, she yelled at me, and thought maddie was my sister." i say. my head rests on the back of my seat as i release a anxious breath of air.

"i know, but you have to go in there."

"do i?"

"yes. james needs you. plus, you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't."

"since when are you so spiritual and shit?"

"a month ago, a girl pretty much broke my heart. i ended up finishing my wall of books." drew smiles.

his small joke makes me laugh, hard. it's been a while since i've done that. even though drew hurt me, the positives outweigh the negatives. he makes me happy.

i turn towards him, making sure my face is close to the boy. his head turns as well, which let's our faces nearly touch.

"i'm gonna kiss you now." i whisper.


we start leaning in, and i get so close i can feel his breath on my skin. my phone starts to ring, but i press decline. it rings again before our lips touch.

"you should answer that." drew comments, pointing towards my phone.

i roll my eyes as i pick up the device. "what?"

"are you guys gonna come in or just make out in the driveway?" james says over the phone.

"oh, fuck off. come outside."

he hangs up, then soon appears on the front steps.

drew and i exit the car, and slowly walk towards him. drew stays behind me as i lead the way.

i pull james into a sad hug, making both of us tear up a little.

"how is she?" i ask, after pulling away.

"she won't eat, drink, shower. it's bad, val."

"god, james. im so sorry."

"what am i gonna do when she's gone?"

i look into the boy's eyes for a moment. ideas and plans run through my mind, but one sticks out.

"move in with me-- us." i suggest, earning a smile from drew.

"what- are you guys sure?" james stutters.

"obviously. i love you, kid."







school just started and it's been a lot. plus, i work 5-6 hours a day on the weekend so i just haven't had a lot of time to work on the story.

i can't promise i will make consistent uploads but i will try!!!

anyways ily all

also thank you for 79k reads on in denial you guys are crazy <3333

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