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Month One.

Drew and I have been trying for a baby for only a month now. I've been on birth control for a long time, so our doctor said it might take a bit longer than normal.

Drew has been so sweet through all of it.

While on birth control, my period was always super light. I barely even noticed it. No cramps were also always a big plus. Now, I've been getting my period and it has been absolutely horrible.

Drew will go out and get me anything I need. Pads, tampons, food, anything. He's always there. I've also been unbearable recently. Hormones and all.

I appreciate everything Drew does for me though. He's been incredible.

Month Two.

I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet. I mean, my period is still there. Lighter now, but there.

I lay on the couch, watching Criminal Minds, when Drew calls me.

"Hey, Babe."

"Hello, Drewseph."

"Do you need anything from the store?"


"Nothing?" Drew asks. "Not even a pregnancy test?"

"I'm not pregnant, Drew. No way. I still have my period and I'm not sick. Aren't pregnant women supposed to be sick?"

"You've had really bad migraines." Drew comments.

"I always have really bad migraines." I lie. I don't want Drew to get his hopes up. Our doctor did say it would be difficult.

"Whatever." Drew sighs dramatically.

"I hate you." I laugh.

"I love you too, Valeria."

"Bye, I love you." I say, before hanging up.

Drew bring so excited about the possibility of me being pregnant makes my heart hurt. Yes, I have been having some symptoms, but it's early. We don't know if anything will happen.

Month Three.

Drew and I spent the whole day shopping. We needed new furniture and a few extra things.

"Have you eaten yet today?" Drew asks at the stoplight.

"I had a bagel this morning." I watch his eyes dart to the time on the car clock.

"It's 2, we both need to eat something. I'll stop on the way."

I nod. I'm glad he didn't ask me what I want. I never like deciding, he knows this. After a few minutes, he pulls into Five Guys. We have to go inside to get our food.

When we walk in, the immediate, sickening smell of burgers and hot dogs fills my senses. I turn around and run back outside. Drew follows.

I throw up on the sidewalk. "Oh my God, Val. Are you okay?" He places his hand on my back while I lean over with my hands on my knees. My eyes are still closed as I groan and put my hand over my stomach. I open my eyes to see vomit all over my converse. I stand up slowly, still feeling Drew's hand on my back. I turn into his chest and sob. He continues to rub my back.

"Shh, it's okay, V."

We stand there for a minute and then I get back in the car. I sit sideways in the passenger seat, with my feet dangling out the door. Drew kneels on the ground and takes my converse off for me. Tears still drip down my cheek. He puts my shoes in the trunk of the car.

When he comes back, he kisses my forehead. "Are you hungry still?"

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Even though I just puked my guts out, I'm still hungry.

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