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i can't take my eyes away from my hands as the shake. i place them in my lap, hoping drew doesn't notice the anxiety piercing through my body.

drew took me to a really nice restaurant for dinner. normally, we would talk and laugh the whole time, but since we were both so anxious, neither of us dared to utter a word.

"there's paparazzi outside," drew comments.

"shit," i groan.

paparazzi is probably the worst part about being an actor. they follow you everywhere and when they're around you have absolutely no room for error. the flashy lights shining in your face makes the experience all the more stressful.

as we leave, drew holds my hand. it was clear that he would not be letting go. men with large cameras and microphones grill us with questions, but drew and i keep walking. their questions consist of rumors that could possibly give them a bit of attention and views. i have fallen into the trap of paparazzi too many times. they are practically inescapable.

liked by madelyncline and 2,458,922 otherstagged - valeriabeenedrewstarkey - alexa, play my kind of woman by mac demarco

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liked by madelyncline and 2,458,922 others
tagged - valeriabeene
drewstarkey - alexa, play my kind of woman by mac demarco.

valeriabeene - that caption. wowza 😍

madelyncline - i want what you guys have 😫
^hichasestokes - valeria smells. you don't want to be valeria.
^valeriabeene - yeah ok cheese

rudeth - i really thought this notification was going to be something else 🙄
^drewstarkey - bro shut up you have almost already blown my cover.

username - drew's comment is giving proposal

username - im still wondering how they are still together?
^valeriabeene - you and me both babe. surprised drew is still here.

"i thought we were going home," i question as drew takes an odd turn onto a slightly familiar road.

"small detour," he replies, smiling.

rudy was right. god, was rudy really right? there's no way drew is proposing. right? i'll say yes, of course. i made a huge mistake last time. i do think our break built our relationship, though. the small time apart from drew really made me realize how much he affects me— positively.

he connects his phone to the aux. where you lead by carole king begins blasting through the speakers. a loud laugh escapes my lips while drew sings along. he knows that gilmore girls is simply my favorite thing in the world— other than him, of course.

"oh, wow," i whisper. drew turns down the music, then follows my gaze to the sunset. he pulls over and tells me to get out of the car.

we're practically at the edge of a cliff. "you're not disposing my body right, starkey?"

his laugh echoes. the smile i love doesn't disappear. "no, no. i'm not planning on killing you, val."

"i'm glad. i thought we had something going on between us."

he chuckles and shakes his head back and forth. "no, i'm not killing you. i just need to ask you something. you know, something i have been wanting to ask you since that night we went camping."

i laugh, remembering that cold night.

he kneels down and pulls a box out of his pocket. neither of our smiles fade.

"valeria beene, will you,"

"yes. stand up."

"you didn't even let me finish."

"drew, shut up. stand up so i can kiss you."


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liked by hichasestokes and 7,933,256 otherstagged - drewstarkeyvaleriabeene - im engaged 🤟

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liked by hichasestokes and 7,933,256 others
tagged - drewstarkey
valeriabeene - im engaged 🤟

drewstarkey - my caption was better.
^valeriabeene - ok

harrystyles - congrats ! 🍾
^valeriabeene - uh hi. if you want to take drew's place, be my guest.

ellenpompeo - congrats to my favorite grey's patient!!
^valeriabeene - ily

author - another one of my sunset photos 🤩

jonathandavissoffical - drew better be good to my girl
^valeriabeene -  nobody can treat me better than you 😍


uhhh sorry for the long break lol

i love you all. thank you for sticking through for this book.

more coming soon.


anyways yeah i love you all

have a great day <333

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