Chapter 6

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It's been a month since they found out Luna was pregnant and two days since they started compensating the marriage. Jay was they happiest he had been for a while he knew Luna would stay by his side no matter what.

"Luna! Please!!!! Please! I want to pick the name of our son!"

Luna giggled at her husband and his childish tendencies "Oh all right but I have to agree with it!" She said as she laughed feeling his strong arms engulf her in a hug and spin here around. If the child were a boy, he would name him but if the child were a girl Luna got to name them. She had the perfect name picked out and so did Jay he was just so happy that she was letting him name the baby.

Nya wasn't going to let him if they got pregnant, that was one thing he loved about Luna she was nothing like Nya and never would be. Luna and Nya were so different it was noticeable. Nya had tried to break them up multiple times since she noticed they were only getting stronger. But there was nothing she could do to harm the two's happy vibe. They were coming up on their one-year anniversary and Jay wanted it to be special.

He waited for the doctor to call them back he hadn't missed a single appointment. Since they found out about her pregnancy he had been saying no to missions and skipping training just to take care of her and the baby. He kissed her cheek and helped her up as he heard the familiar last name that he loved to hear with his wife's name in front of it. He had to admit he wouldn't have been as happy with Nya as he is with Luna and any fool could see it.

He helped her to the back and onto the table trying to be as helpful as possible. "Jay, I need to change my shirt..." She was still so shy around him even though they had made love multiple times lately. "Okay I'll turn around..." He reluctantly did as he said and turned away from his beautiful wife.

"Okay Jay I'm ready." She was slightly more confidant in her words, so he turned around and kissed her head. He grasped her hand in his own and smiled at her. "I Love You baby" He said happily.

She smiled and kissed his hand as well as his cheek, "I love you more Jay" She was so happy in his arms.

"alright are you two ready to know the gender of the baby?"

The doctor said as he walked over to her, he got the gel and placed it on her stomach. Luna shivered at the cold but stared at the screen anxious to see her baby in her stomach. The doctor out the baby on the screen as they came into view, "And it looks like a little boy!" He said excitedly. Luna and Jay both smiled excitedly and started crying out of joy.

"A boy! We are having a boy!" Jay screamed at the top of his lungs. He was so excited but Luna was shocked and happy to know that they were having a little boy. Luna smiled at her husband and kissed him as he pressed his lips to hers excidedly, "I love you Jay I really do." Jay smiled and hummed happily "i'm so happy that you do, I love you so much more baby-"
The doctor frowned and cleared her throat "im sorry but you two should knoow that your hyman being intact at the moment can cause issues during Labor and since she is almost due maybe with in the next two days, then it should be broken or she will have to have a C-section so that we do not loose either mother nor child."

Luna blushed brightly at the thought of making love with her best friend and Jay did as well. He was surprised that she wasn't saying no or screaming for the C-section, he thought about it and smiled. "That will be taken care of doctor thank you."

Luna blushed brighter as the doctor left them alone so she could get dressed, Jay helped her dress with his eyes closed and smiled at her. "How about we do something romantic? We have been married almost six months now and have a baby on the way...I dont want to loose you..."

Luna couldn't believe his words she did want him to be her first but she still did not think that he could love her. "Okay Jay one time so it's safer for me and the baby." Jay smiled and nodded he kissed her cheek and helped her to the car and into it. He made a reservation and did all he could for her, after their dinner he took her home and took a bath with her giving her a massage. She relaxed against me, Jay was getting lost in the romantic mood that he created, he kissed her shoulder lovingly.

Luna moaned lightly her head spinning it was something perfect and she knew Jay was trying to make it as magical as possible. She loved this side of him and hoped it would last forever.

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