Chapter 9

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Kai was trying to help them find JJ but Pheonix kept him busy, six years had passed. He frowned seeing Jay and Luna still mourning their son, it hurt the team knowing that their favorite comedian was in pain everyday of his life. They had never stopped looking for Jay Jr but they couldn't find him through anything. There was even a police report done so they could know that if they found him he had a family that missed him.

Phoenix smiled playing with her younger brother he was three her parents had taken them to the park to play; she noticed her parents talking to other parents and continued to play that is till she heard crying. She got up and told Aiden to go to their parents, he did and she went to go see a little boy with black hair crying into his knees. "Hello, are you okay?"

The boy looked up his bright cobalt blue eyes trying to show through his swollen eyelids. "N-no...I'm not...I-I dont want to be here anymore" he was whispering and Phoenix could barley hear him. "Why not? Whats your name? My daddy is a ninja and can help if you need it..." she was worried for the little boy and wanted to help him so much.

"M-My name is mother started drinking again...and she beat me...she hates me...becasue i'm adopted...she said I should be one wants me..." he seemed so sad. Phoenix grabbed his hand and took him to Kai since his parents didn't seem to be around and tugged on his leg.

Kai looked at his little girl a smile on his face and then frowned deeply seeing the injured little boy. "Hey babygirl whos this?" He immediately texted the chief and asked zane to meet him as well he needed medical attention.

Phoenix smiled "This is Jasper daddy, he needs help...he said his mommy did this but real mommies dont do this..."

Kai frowned deeply "hold on your mommy did this?" he looked around trying to find someone who resembled the child or was looking for him.

Jasper nodded his head in agreement "y-yes...s-she said i talked to much...and that she hates me...because im adopted...and that no one wants me and I should be grateful she even looked at me..." Kai frowned at the little boy no one should be treated like that! "My friends are coming okay? Where is your mommy?"

Jasper frowned "s-shes at home...s-s-she t-t-t-t-old me to l-l-l-leave a-a-and not come back u-u-until dark...i-im scared of the dark..." With each word it got harder for Jasper to speak and kai could tell so he picked him up and held him . He let him cry and held Phoenix on the other side, she seemed to be just as worried if not more worried than Kai for the little boy.

Zane got their and they took the boy to the hospital with the chief following them. Kai couldn't leave his side since he freaked out everytime he did, Jasper let them do anything while kai was their because he trusted Kai even though he was scared he would hurt him to.

They did a DNA swab to see who his real parents were since they needed a full medical history. The DNA came back as missing baby walker, the hospital ran it five times before telling the police. The lady didn't have adoption records for him so she had been in on the plan with Nya. She even confessed to it and spoke about how glad she was that she was rid of the burden.

Kai texted Jay to meet him at the hospital, Jay hated going their because it reminded him of his son being missing. When he got to the room that Kai was in he went in depressed, "Kai you know I hate it here and it's JJ's birthday man..." he and his wife normally celebrated the day and mourned at the same time.

Kai smiled "well I have good news for you then...though you might have to wait a while before celebrating his birthday...we found JJ, he has a different name though. And we still need to explain to him whats going on."

Jay smiled brightly "where is he Kai? I need to see him-"

Jay was cut off by the overactive talker being wheeled in by a nurse who was giggling at the small child. Jays heart dropped his son looked abused, the nurse looked at him and smiled at the boy. "I'm sure these two will help you in to the bed.

Jasper nodded and got up slowly and walked over to Kai Jay was his favorite ninja but he didn't want him to take him back to his mother. Jay frowned as Kai picked him up and put him in the bed. He sat beside him and smiled at the poor child.

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