Chapter 10

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Jasper smiled at them he had two ninja in his room it made him a little happy, "you guys are gonna make me go back with my mommy arn't you?"

Jay frowned deeply he hated this and wished he could just blurt it out. , " fact...Jasper...we will let you come live with does that sound?"

Jasper smiled sadly "it sounds good but you wont want me there long...i'll talk your ears off..."

Jay smiled brightly "well that just means I have someone that can keep up with me then. You know my wife and I had a son about your age." he said smiling impatiently wanting to tell him so badly but he couldn't put him in shock like that.

Jasper smiled happily he wished Jay was his father he liked to talk to! "Really? Does that mean i'll have someone to play with? Also...I-i hurt people on accident I don't mean to..."

Jay moved closer sitting beside him so the little boy could lay on him if he got tired "really? And why is that? And how do you do that?"

Jasper played with his GI "I shock people on accident..." Jay felt over the moon that his son had his power! "Don't worry we will help you with that plus I can do that two!" He showed him and Jasper smiled brightly before hugging him tightly. "Can you please adopt me...?"

Jay smiled gently at the little boy he was so innocent and happy, "well I have good news for you, well if you think it is then it is I just know it is for me and my wife are our were kidnapped six years ago today and we have been looking for you since and your name on your birthcertificate is Jay Jr not Jasper."

Jasper looked up at him and then at Kai who only confirmed it "s-so that lady wasn't my mommy she kidnapped me?"

Jay nodded "yes son thats exactly correct, but if you like the name Jas-"

He shook his head quickly "I like Jay Jr better! My mommy loves me right...?" he was so scared this mommy wouldn't want him either.

Jay smiled "she loves you and has missed you so much I can call her now if you want me to."

JJ nodded his head and smiled at him he wanted to call him Daddy since he never had one. "P-please daddy....?"

Jay smiled brightly and kissed his head lovingly "okay buddy she will be here soon." He sent a text to his wife Luna was pregnant again they had, one daughter before this and have another son on the way. He was delighted to show his family to his long lost son.

Luna came in a hurry she was already there for a check up, "yes Jay? I need to pick up Tara from your parents house in a few minutes." she looked up seeing Jay with a little boy she immediately recognized him. "JJ...oh my gosh JJ!" she quickly went over and pulled him into her arms hugging him closely while crying. "Oh my sweet sweet boy! Your back!" she was a crying mess.

Jay smiled and chuckled at his son whos tiny arms barley fit around his mothers front side. Jay Jr smiled and kissed her cheek shyly, Luna got a good look at him and frowned "my sweet boy who did this to you?"

JJ frowned and looked down did he call her his mother or his kidnapper? He was so confused, he just knew this lady loved him as a mother should. "M-my other mommy..."

Luna frowned deeply "well you will never ever have to see her again and you don't have to call her Mommy if you don't want to."

JJ was stunned but happy he got the life he dreamed of by reaching out and telling someone that rarely happened these days but it happened and it made him so happy especially meeting his little sister Tara who forced him to play dolls with her.

JJ had the time of his life with his family and his kidnapper got life with out possibility of parole for the endangerment and kidnapping of Jay Walker Jr. Life went on after that with everyone in their rightful place and everyone happy, except the people who hurt him they got what all bad people did. Jail.

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