Chapter 7

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Luna smiled happily as she held her son in her hands when her and Jay made love it had forced her into preterm labor.

Jay smiled at the little boy whom had Lightning blue eyes and jet black hair, he looked like a perfect mix between Luna and himself.

"Jay JR...i-is that okay? I didnt want him to have the wrong name..."

Luna giggled and smiled "I love it Jay and it fits him perfectly, our little JJ." Jay was smiling brightly and kissed his sons head gently who only looked around curiously. Luna smiled at him and their son her life felt so perfect. A nurse came in smiling at them, "We need to take little JJ to the intubation room for a little while, so we will put this little bracelet on him so he doesnt get mixed up."

She placed a hospital band around his wrist that said Baby walker and gently took the boy. Jay bit his lip "C-can i hold him before you do?" He asked nervously thinking he couldn't he didnt think he had a right to. The nurse smiled and handed him to him "just for a few moments okay mr.walker? We really need to check on him."

Jay nodded his head happily he gently took his son tears were in his eyes he couldn't believe it. He had a son with a girl he loves and she loved the name for him. He kissed his head and laid on his chest gently but had to give him to the nurse again, once she left he climbed up into the bed with her and held her lovingly letting her sleep against him.

Jay kissed her head lovingly relaxing his body with her own they had been so busy that he forgot to appreciate her he called the gift shop and used his card buying flowers and things for her so she felt more appreciated. Jay was really excited for this and was hoping that she wanted to still do this with him, he wanted a family with her and they still wanted to be married even though they didn't have to be.

The nurse came in frowning Jay frowned worried about what could possibly happen to his son. "I'm so sorry Mr.Walker we contacted the police already but someone has left with your child we gathered evidence for the police already."

Jay frowned deeply someone stole his child!? He got up gently and went with her wanting to find his son quickly since someone stole him. He looked through the video footage till he found when the nurse brought in his son. He saw nya come in shortly after and picked him up from the crib, he watched in horror as the ninja of water took his child out the nursery.

He texted Kai immediately who was down the hall "Hey man whats the 911 for?"
Jay frowned "one what are you doing here before i sent that? And two your psycho sister kidnapped my son!" He was in a slight panic as he explained the second one he didn't want his son to have to go through this.

Kai frowned deeply "Okay jay calm down, one I just got out of labor and delivery my self my girlfriend had our baby and phoenix is doing fine I dont know why she stole your son she said she was going to adopt a child." he was confused but Jay didn't care he had to find his son.

Kai sighed "ill call Lloyd, Cole, Zane and Morro. They will get him back stay with your wife and this will be over as soon as you know it...I cant go look because of my little girl but you know them they will find her."

Jay nodded slowly trying to think of a good way to explain this to his wife that he left for a moment. "O-okay let me get back to my wife then she must be up by now...and I need to tell her..."

Kai nodded and called Lloyd explaining the situation and explaining where Nya liked to hang out. He was worried for Jay and Luna at this point they were so excited to have thier baby and Nya just took him from them. "Find them Lloyd."
Lloyds grip tightened on his phone his girlfriend and Jays sister was pregnant as well and he hated to think someone took his Nephew before he got to meet him. "Dont worry she will wish this didn't happen, Kai you can't get mad at us for anything we have to do."

Kai understood the situation and the severity of it all, "I understand. Do what you have to, he dosent deserve this. And SHE IS TO BE BANISHED. I dont want her anywhere near my daughter."

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