Chapter 1

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Eight years later

The ninja started getting ready for Jay and Nya's wedding that was going to happen in a few months. To say Jay was nervous was an understatement, he kept checking everything to make sure that it was perfect for the big day. He looked at his fiancé and forgot everything as soon as she wrapped her arms around his waist and looked at him with the saddest look.

"Jay, I have to tell you something..."

He smiled at her, but she didn't smile back she felt guilty for what she was about to tell him. "Remember when I went out to drink a few nights ago?" Jay nodded his head listening to every word hoping that the talk wasn't headed into that direction.

"Well I thought a guy was you, I went home with him I didn't really go home with skylor. She just covered for me, well he's wanting to marry me, and I told him yes..."

Jay's heart dropped he couldn't believe his ears, he sat down on the bed holding his head in his hand.

"Jay it's only because I'm pregnant with his baby there is no real feelings between us!"

Jay looked up at her wanting to believe it was true but shook his head and looked away. "Nya, please leave me alone...I need to call my parents and let them know that the wedding is called off...and that we broke up..."

Nya felt terrible she grabbed her things and left his room moving into her new fiancé 's place, who was getting ready for the baby. Jay stayed in his room after calling his parents, he couldn't eat nor sleep. He woke up with terrible nightmares almost every night since she left him and tried his best to talk her into coming back but that seemed to not work out for him very well. She had made up her mind and Jay knew he couldn't get her back not even begging would help him. He sat in his room for days not able to move, he stayed asleep for those days then stayed awake for the next three.

Everyone got fed up with it and at least forced him to shower Nya's baby was going to be born soon and everyone was going to be there for it. Kai sighed and sat on the couch, "Guy's I'm not missing the birth of my niece okay? Someone else has to watch him today."

Lloyd sighed holding his head in his hand, "Well I have a date with not it..."

Cole bit his lip shaking his head lightly, "I have a date, hey where's Zane?"

They all looked around, but no one could find the loveable ninjdroid. They started to worry about him till he came inside with a girl. She had short black hair, gray eyes and was wearing a dark blue shirt black pants and a heart shaped locket with the letter L on the front.

"I have taken the liberty in finding someone who can watch him for us. Her name is Luna and she is good at watching children and animals, I have a feeling she is more than eligible to take care of our sad and depressed friend." Luna smiled lightly waving shyly at everybody, the smiled and waved back.

"Can you start now? I need to go to the hospital; my sister is having her baby."

Luna nodded her head happily, "Sure but you look like you need to get ready first." Kai blushed and ran up the stairs yelling down as he ran; "Trust me, I know!"

Luna giggled at the ninja of fire, Lloyd checked the time and ran out the door trying to make it to pick up his date on time. Cole did the same making sure he would be able to meet his date when he was supposed to.

Luna sat on the couch flipping through channels as soon as she did Kai barreled down the stairs and out the door along with Zane. She got up and went to check on the person she needed to watch only to find him sitting in a dark room all by himself. She frowned and walked over to him laying a hand on his shaking shoulder. She sat next to him, he suddenly stopped shaking as he woke up noticing some one was in his room. Jay turned around and jolted up almost colliding with her, she moved back a little bit but other wise smiled at him.

"Hey are you okay?"

Jay shook his head and sat up properly in his bed looking at her a little suspicious. "How did you get in?"

She just continued to smile, "Zane asked if I could watch you since everyone had something planned and no one knew who's turn it was to watch you..."

Jay sighed trying to make since of what was going on, Luna looked around. "Hey why don't me and you go do something? Go to the amusement park or the park or anything?"

Jay gave a little chuckle and relaxed a bit the smallest smile playing at his lips "sure anything sounds good just let me get ready." She fist-bumped and left the room while Jay got ready. He was trying not to laugh the entire time he was getting ready, but he managed to keep quiet.

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