Chapter 4

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Luna smiled laying on Jay's bed they have been married for three months now and they are finally going to go see his parents. She was finally going to meet them, she barely knew them as a child and wished to know them as an adult to. She tried to turn around, but he had his arms around her not letting her go. During the time of them being married she started feeling a spark for Jay. She blushed and relaxed into his arms not wanting to move or wake him up. She felt someone peck her cheek and looked over to see a sleepy yet happy Jay, she smiled at him and pecked his cheek back.

"I love you luna"

She blushed but sighed knowing it was a dream, she bit her lip and smiled cupping his face.


"What's wrong Luna? Do you not love me back?"

Luna blushed and kissed him on the lips lovingly, he blushed and kissed her back roughly trying to get the point across. She pulled away smiling, "Can I stay asleep?"

Jay smiled lightly and chuckled, "I think you would have to still be asleep to stay asleep luna."

He nuzzled my cheek making me blush worse, "Wait why did you say you love me then...?"

He looked at her with an innocent smile on his face, "well were married now right? I have to love you."

Her face fell, she didn't like the response at all. She pushed him away sighing slightly and got up going to the bathroom. "Wait luna are you okay?"

She nodded before shutting and locking the door and getting in the shower. Jay felt stupid for the lie, but he didn't mean to tell her, yet it slipped out! Jay wanted to be able to tell her after she met his parents again. She came out and left the room shutting the door and ignoring jay. Jay sighed and took a shower himself, the door opened while he was in the shower.

He smiled thinking it was his beautiful wife, "Luna you know you can come in here with me~" He said trying to get her attention but then the door shut again, he looked out the door seeing a camcorder and blasted it with lightning only to find out it was sending it to a computer. His eyes went wide and quickly finished his shower, he went out the door to find a very mad Luna. Jay frowned deeply wanting to explain but she held up her hand before he could.

"Your cheating on me with Nya? After you said you didn't love her anymore? After you said you felt nothing for her anymore? I thought we were friends Jay but apparently you think to much with what's in between your legs more than what's on your shoulders. WE ARE THROUGH! And I am going home."

She left after that leaving a broken-hearted Jay behind her, Luna was crying unable to see straight. She had done a favor for Jay, he was always talking about kids, so she was going to have his baby. She was pregnant, but he still wanted Nya and she didn't want her anywhere near their baby.

Jay sat in his room on his bed staring at the t-shirt that Luna where's to bed. He had called his parents and told them that he didn't feel good and that he would come by tomorrow. They understood but he wanted Luna. He needed her, and he knew how to get her back it just wasn't going to be easy. He went to her old house and knocked on the door, when she opened it he came in not giving her a chance to shut it in his face.

"What do you want Jay?"

Jay bit his lip and sighed slightly looking her in the eye, "You, luna I need you. I lied when I said that I told you I love you because of us being married...I'm in love with you...I have been since we were kids. I can show you, but you won't want to do it..."

"Jay? I need to tell you something..."

He looked at her sadly and sighed going to leave, "I understand...I'll leave...I'm sorry I ruined what we did have..."

Luna grabbed his hand gently and pulls him close, "No jay...I'm in love with you to...I'm pregnant...I was going to keep it a secret but I thought it was kind of strange that your stuff was donated without your knowledge...they said it was meant for someone else but she got pregnant and when I asked who they said Nya and I guess it hurt when you were cheating on me with her..."

Luna stopped talking, she was trying not to cry but the tears rained down her face before she could stop them. Jay stared at his wife in shock, he was surprised about the baby and mad that Nya was going to do that to him, he was also confused on how she got his special stuff in the first place. He noticed her crying and wiped her tears away with his thumb smiling lightly.

"Luna, your pregnant with my baby?"

She nodded without looking at him, "then you will stay with me, forever right?"

Luna looked at him a confused look on her face, "Forever? I thought that you would be mad at me..." Jay smiled brightly at her and kissed her on the lips lovingly, he pulled away slowly and smiled happily at her. "I could never be mad at you my love."

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