Chapter 5

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Jay smiled as he saw luna come back with Misako, he watched her walk in and grabbed her bags for her taking them to their bedroom. Cole smiled seeing them work together like they were, he chuckled seeing his best friend happy for the first time in a long time.

"so, Jay when is she going to meet your parents? You two are married and have a baby on the way."

Jay gulped slightly "well I'm not wanting to scare her off- "

"I do not know who you think you are, but Nya is Jay's wife!"

Jay looked at the door, and frowned deeply, he ran to where his pregnant wife was crying, and his mother was the one yelling at his wife. Jay walked over and hugged luna close she tried to push him away, but he was to strong for her.

"Mom, why are you yelling at my wife and why are you here?"

She looked surprised and then looked at Nya, "but you told me that you and Jay got married and she was trying to get in between you two..."

Nya growled lightly, "well I'm sorry that I want my boyfriend back!"

"But you cheated on me and when I finally move on and try to have a family you make my mother come here and yell at the love of my life who just so happens to be my wife!"

Edna looked at him and smiled lightly, "So this is your wife? When did you two get married son?"

Jay smiled and rubbed Luna's back gently then looked down, "well we were drunk and got married because we were both upset."

Edna smiled and nodded her head gently hugging Jay and Luna together. Luna smiled and held jay's hand while his mother was there, she wasn't completely happy she was there but gave up on her leaving anytime soon. She smiled seeing Jay's contagious smile, she smiled happily and kissed his cheek lovingly. They all talked until Edna decided to leave which wasn't long after the fight. After she left Luna and Jay went back to the room and sighed lightly in relief. Luna sighed lightly and laid down rubbing her back, "Jay my stomach really hurts..."

Jay came over and started rubbing her stomach gently hoping it helped she had grown a little bit more since the last time. He looked into her eyes and kissed her cheek lovingly and scarcely. He was scared that he was going to lose her or the baby at anytime that she was going to realize she was to good for him and leave with the baby. Even though he didn't understand why she wanted his child in the first place.

"Hey, baby how far along are you in the pregnancy?"

Luna looked at him dreading the thought a lot, she didn't want to answer but she held up five fingers none the less. Jay was shocked that she had been pregnant for so long and he never noticed. "Wait how are you so far along...? We have only been together for 3 months..."

Luna sighed again not really wanting to talk about the conversation that they were about to have. "I had them start an acceleration process which means instead of it taking 10 months for the baby its really only going to take three I'm already a month and a half into the real pregnancy but in another month and a half its going to be baby time." She said shyly. Jay smiled and kissed her belly gently then frowned, "what about when the baby is here? Isn't that going to effect them still?"

Luna shook her head happily, "No the baby will still be only a newborn and she wont grow any faster than she is supposed to." Jay looked at her funny trying to wrap his head around why she kept saying that the baby was a girl.
"I bet you that the baby is a boy instead of a girl," He smirked at her and nuzzled her happily. "can we just hope that the baby is healthy? I just didn't want to call the baby 'it'-" Jay pressed his lips against hers to make her stop talking. She always did it to him and he had always wanted to do it to her. Luna smiled and held him around his neck lovingly, she didn't understand how he loved her so much. Jay pulled away slightly, his smile being bright "I don't care what the baby is as long as they are healthy and my beautiful wife is safe." Luna smiled and held Jay close to her never wanting to let him go.

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