Writing Out Emotions

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Tw: heavy language
He woke up, expecting to hear yelling from his friends or the other residents in L'manburg. It was quite the opposite really, which is exactly why he woke up.
L'manberg is known for being rather loud, no matter who it was or how quiet they were. Conflict is a constant in the country where our anxiety ridden author lives. Quiet is unnerving, unnatural, a reason to be scared.
He checked outside, only to find that it was dark out. So he got back in bed, tried going back to sleep, to no prevail. He decided to check on shroud instead, only to find his pet/son (blame Tubbo, he was first to call Tommy "fatherinnit.")
Shroud was fine, everything else in his house where it should be which means that there were no wars, people attacking or attempting to attack him. But if that was the case, then why couldn't he sleep?
He grabs his notebook and decides that if he can't sleep, then he will write himself to sleep. Or that's what he tries anyway. Nothing comes to mind, so he gives up and gets into bed once more, the void that is sleep consuming him.

This time he wakes up to the sound of someone throwing his door open for some godforsaken reason. He accepts his fate and sits up signalling to who he thought to be Tubbo or Ranboo that he was awake, to give him a minute.
When he finally opens his eyes, instead of one of- if not both- of the members of bee duo, he sees The Syndicate and Wilbur. Yeah, shits definitely fucked.
"How can I help you fellas today," Tommy asks, he knows they want him dead, but hey why not be a smartass and die with your last words being a snide remark, right? Techno stares him dead in the eye, knowing full well that this child did not just ask how he can help with his own execution. Which had to be postponed due to certain circumstances, mind you.
"Somethings up with Ranboo, we think it might involve Dream. And if anyone knows about what Dream can do to a person, it's you," Wilbur explains. Tommy on the other hand lets out a sigh of exasperation. "I'll be honest with you guys here, I really don't wanna fuck with Dream or anything involving him if you don't mind."
Nikki and Techno had weapons at hand, willing to threaten Tommy just help the boy they saw as a little brother. Which is exactly what they did. "Listen well Tomathy Innit, you will come with us and help Ranboo. Am I clear?"
Yes, they were clear. No, he's not gonna come with them. "Sorry no can do, all of you aside from boob boy have tried to kill me, and I, for one, would like to live long enough to finish my book. Besides mans has a husband, he has his Tubbo, doesn't he," Tommy practically spat out the last sentence, shocking everyone who could hear the venom that was laced into his words.
Phil was having none of Tommy's shit today, he just wants to help the boy that felt like a second son to him. That much, he made sure was extra clear to Tommy. "Look mate just follow us, help Ranboo, and then we'll leave you be, deal?"
"No. I have things to do, Philza Minecraft, including starting that new story." Tommy ponders a minute muttering something about said story.
They laughed, he didn't expect laughter as a response to his outrage, but that was what they did. "Yeah whatever mate, now come on, let's go fix Ranboo." And so they did, they convinced him to go while he was in a stupor, so technically it was a kidnapping. He helped with what he could, and left immediately after, not bothering to tell his supposed "best friends" goodbye.
They were shocked at the fact that he didn't even say bye to Tubbo, his nonbiological, nonadoptive brother. The bee duo were concerned, but The Syndicate worried more about Ranboo and made a fuss over him and his odd behaviour instead.
Tommy watched from the shadows, as the people he once called family quickly dismissed how odd he was acting today in favour of how odd Ranboo was and asking if he was okay. It hurt Tommy, to have to witness the truth with his own eyes, but it's okay. He could write his pain away, write a different reality, a different world, where he was still loved.
A world without betrayal, wars, or the prospect of death at every corner. A world where he wasn't constantly on edge. So that's what he did. They didn't care about him, and that's okay. He'll be fine without them, he has his pet/son and his writing abilities. He can play guitar and piano. Yeah, he'll be alright, that's for sure.

Love all y'all, you're all valid
And if someone says otherwise
Fight them. <3

War- Torn Child Turned Author with AnxietyWhere stories live. Discover now