Running is only Delaying Your Problems

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      Tw: mentions of SH, Suicide, mild language
It's already four in the morning, and yet sleep has decided that it simply shall not come and help a child in need. Tommy had shit to do tomorrow- or is it today? No matter, either way sleep is being a bitch and that in and of itself has made him crave a concussion, one that makes him unconscious preferably.
     It doesn't happen though, and it is now six thirty in the morning. He doubts he can power through the day, but he will try because he has no one to help him take care of himself.
      First thing off the list, is to  gather resources to help expand the house so that Shroud has more room. Then, he needs to go to Las Nevadas to check on Quackity and Charlie Slimecicle (mainly Charlie due to the fact he holds more knowledge and is practically everywhere.)
      Finally, it's been rumoured that Fundy has adopted a fox hybrid, which he named Yoghurt- a dumb name for a kid, honestly- so he needs to visit his second nephew. (A/n I think that's what it's called.)
    He heads towards the woods, not too far off from Snowchester and the island he was exiled to. Once he's further in he begins to chop wood, and goes towards a plains biome to gather some sand to make glass. He finishes as quickly as he possibly can and turns to the direction of where Las Nevadas is located and begins his rather tedious journey.
     As he begins walking, he spots Technoblade, he hopes to avoid him, maybe if he stays quiet and goes about his day, he'll go unnoticed. Unfortunately, that was not the case. He walks by, head down, quiet as can be, yet Techno still notices him.
   "Tommy, what are you doing here?" Tommy stops in his tracks, silently cursing out whatever god has decided that he would be forced to talk to someone he once saw as a brother. "Just came to gather some wood 'n stuff then start expanding my house. Now, if you don't mind, I'll be off and out of your hair."
     Techno did mind though, and he still had questions to ask Tommy, especially after what happened the previous day. "Tommy, what was that stunt you pulled yesterday?" Of course, of all the questions to ask it had to be the one that he doesn't want to explain. What was he supposed to say 'Oh, I've been in a really bad mental state so I've decided to take up creative writing as a hobby to help me deal with my emotions because, as much as I want to, I can't self harm or commit suicide, and I'm too much of a coward to do so, and I'm not really sure if that's a good or bad thing.'
"Tommy...," Techno says, concern obvious in his voice. "Shit, did I say that out loud?" Tommy seems to have forgotten about a thing called paying attention and thinking before speaking.
Ah well, he's managed to get Techno to leave him alone for the moment being, so he books it. He's made it to Las Nevadas in what must be record time, he'd be astounded if it wasn't due to the pace he was going.
Charlie was the one to notice him this time. "Tommy from Nowhere! Dap me up!" He did as Charlie asked and continued the conversation hoping to whatever god that existed that Techno didn't chase him down. On one hand, he didn't, on the other hand, Wilbur and Quackity had just walked out the casino. And if there's anything he can be sure of, it's that Techno told Wilbur what he said about his mental issues.
      And Wilbur and Quackity do flirt a lot, so it wouldn't be a surprise if they were dating and Wilbur told Quackity (whatever he may be to Wilbur) about it too. So Tommy does the only thing he can do. Rush off to Fundy, seeing as it was his next task on the list anyway.
     The visit was a quick one, a simple hello and a few questions about Yoghurt and how the father- son duo were holding up, and he was on his way back home again. Was he avoiding his problems by doing this? No, he was only delaying them. And he was fine with that.

I have no clue what yoghurts gender is, so forgive me if I got it wrong. Remember to take care of yourself, you are loved even if you don't think it.
And as always, I can be a mother/older sister for you if you need it.


War- Torn Child Turned Author with AnxietyWhere stories live. Discover now