A Very Calm Storm

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      Today was a calm day...kind of. Tommy's "family" weren't here, and shroud was just picking flowers from the field behind Tommy's house. Yet, he can't help but feel like something is out of place.
      It's because although everything and everyone else is calm, he isn't. He should be as serene as everyone and everything else around him is. But he's not. He feels... anxious, scared maybe? There's not any reason to be though. Dream's in prison, incredibly far away from him and his young ward.
     Quackity and Wilbur are in Las Nevadas (as far as he was aware any way) which was also quite a distance away from his house. So why is he so restless? Why- why is he so wary all of a sudden?
    He doesn't have any reason to be, and he knows that. He doesn't know why he's so anxious, and he hates that. Absolutely despises it even. It's almost like he's having an anxiety attack, but much calmer. He wonders if those exist, calm anxiety attacks, that is.
   If so, then that's exactly what he's dealing with right now. It only got worse when he sees his best friend- former or not- with Ranboo, his replacement. A calmer, much more collected, kinder, version of him. Of course he's not jealous of him- or them- but he is saddened by the fact he won't ever get to experience a relationship, a bond  like it.
      Everyone loves Ranboo, they care about his health and safety, they worry about him. The only person who did anything like that for Tommy was his son. He has every right to be saddened by just looking at his only friend being happy and replacing him as though he were a child's plaything.
     He... he wants a friend, one that won't replace him, one that'll treat him the way Ranboo is treated. He needs validation, he needs a hug, he needs a lot of things really. All of which he had at one point, he's pretty sure. It's all gone now though.
     He wants it all back, now that he needs it more than ever. He's... he's lonely, broken.
                         He's recyclable and useless.

War- Torn Child Turned Author with AnxietyWhere stories live. Discover now