The Inevitable Confrontation

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Tw: mild language and slight mention of suicide
They say that running away from your problems does nothing to solve them. Even so, that doesn't stop Tommy. And it sure as hell doesn't stop his brothers, either.
He hears knocking on the door, interrupting Shroud's nap. Oh how lovely it is to have a cranky child because selfish pricks have to pry into his business. In a rather hurriedly manner, Tommy flings the door open.
"Okay, first of all, why is Phil here? Second of all, the hell do you want from me? Third of all, thanks for waking Shroud from his nap, an absolutely ideal situation for me, lemme tell you."
Techno was the first to speak, "Phil is here to talk to you, same as the rest of us. And as for the last thing you said, we didn't know you had a kid so sorry, I guess?"
Tommy doesn't like the fact that Techno phrases his apology as a question, yet still invites them into the lower levels of his house so they can talk without waking up Shroud.
"You wanted to talk, so talk," Tommy sneers. "Yeah, about what you said to me earlier. Is that true? That you're... suicidal? Or that you write, because I've seen your writing, it looks like actual chicken scratch," Techno replies.
"Yes, I am, or was, suicidal. I'm currently working it out with Puffy mind you. Also yes, I do write. I think that you'd enjoy the story titled The Story of Icarus, Technoblade." It was enjoyable, to say the least, to watch Technoblade of all people, stand flabbergasted at Tommy's words.
The audacity of that child. " However, I must say that my art is much worse than my writing. I have proof of you'd like?" Again, he's managed to surprise everyone.
"Ah, here it is," Tommy exclaims as he picks up a sketchbook out of a chest. "It's absolutely horrendous, I'll admit, so I won't be surprised if you made fun of it."
Everyone gawked at Tommy's drawings, they were...concerning to say the least. "Toms... what is this? When did you draw it," Wilbur asks. "Ah, I'd say I drew the first not long after you and Big Q got in a fight over me. As for the second one, after a particularly bad nightmare."
"Theseus, I have voices that demand blood and even they're terrified of your so called. 'nightmares.' Hell, I'm terrified of them too, if I'm being honest," Techno practically yells that last sentence. Tommy did not respond in the manner they expected him too, but instead just said " Lol yeah, my nightmares are fucking terrifying. You get used to them after a while though lmao."
That...scared everyone even more. They all shared a similar thought, 'The fuck is wrong with this kid?' Anyone else would have talked to the therapist, or just a person they trust really. Yet here stood Tommy Innit, the only person to go 'ah yes, my nightmares. Great source of art inspiration' and go about his day as though nothing bad had happened.
Techno knew that Tommy was terrified of Dream, but he thinks it should be the other way around. He believes that Dream ought to be terrified of Tommy. Perhaps the Axe of Peace went into good hands after all.
"I still wanna see some of the stories you wrote, kiddo," Phil says, nonchalantly, as if he did not just get a prime fucking example of Tommy's imagination. "Mm, yes, my very depressing stories. They're on a shelf somewhere over there, look for them while I start writing this new one," Tommy states in a rather monotone state, one to even rival Techno.

Kitty here! I love you guys and remember that you're valid and to take care of yourselves. Let me know if you want to see Tommy's art next chapter!

War- Torn Child Turned Author with AnxietyWhere stories live. Discover now