Harry Potter

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"Oh yea. I thought there was something we forgot to tell you guys."

"Our brother Ron is sitting with him."

"Hold on, you two knew he was on the train and just forgot to mention it!" I said to the identical idiots sitting on either side of me.

"Our mum helped him get through the barrier." Explained George.

"He didn't have a clue what he was doing." Sniggered Fred earning him an elbow in the side from me. "Oww Lissa."

"Then we helped him get his trunk into his compartment."

"Yea meanwhile Lee was being no help showing off that hairy tarantula he keeps in that box." Said Fred pointing at a box that was sitting on the floor between Lee's feet.

"Wanna see Liss?" Godric love him he looked so excited.

"Emmm..." The pitch of my voice was so high I'm surprised he could tell what I was saying. "...I'm good thanks." Spiders scare me, but tarantulas that need a box that size, terrified.

"Mums also gave us a great prank idea."

"Blowing up toilets." Fred waved his hands in front of his face at the brilliant idea.

"Toilets? Really?" Questioned Maddi.

"Yea, why not?" They asked in unison.

"What's the prank? No one will have anywhere to pee?" They looked pleased with themselves until Maddi said, "Including both of you." They turned to each other and did that thing where they talk to each other without actually using words.

"I hate when they do this." Said Lee.

"Me too." I said as the boys looked at each other over the top of my head.

"What are they doing?" Asked Heather with her head tilted to the side as she looked at them.

"Twin talk, they're having a conversation without actually talking." Holly explained to her little sister.

"It's weird." Mumbled Maddi.

"I agree." Said Heather. "I'm going to go find some first years."

"You need to change into your robes soon." Holly shouted after her, but she was already half way down the train.

"We've agreed." Fred suddenly said.

"No exploding toilets." Finished George.

"Okay if we're all done with potty talk, who wants to go sneak a peek at Potter?" Asked Maddi standing up.

As Lee raised his hand I said. "He's not an animal, we can't just go and gawk at him."

The rest of my friends looked back and forth from each other and then raced out the compartment. I sighed and thought 'screw it' as I got up and joined them.


We didn't get a chance to get near Potter. That whole section of the train was completely choc a block.

"Surely he'll be in Gryffindor." Said Holly as we sat down at the Gryffindor table in the great hall with the rest of house.

"Of course he will, both his parents were." I stated.

"That doesn't always matter though." Said Maddi. "His little encounter with you know who could mean he ends up in Slytherin."

"How would that work?" I questioned her. She just shrugged her shoulders as the door opened and McGonagall walked through with the new first years to be sorted into their houses.

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