Don't Make Him Mad

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Warning - emotional and physical abuse.

Snow had finally started to fall at Hogwarts, and a few of us Gryffindors were out having a snowball fight in the clocktower courtyard. The snow was glistening in the sunlight, the fountain had frozen over mid-stream and icicles were hanging from everywhere they possibly could. Flich had cleared a path from the entrance to the castle across the courtyard to the bridge that takes you down to Hagrid's, the lake and the forbidden forest.

"NONONONONONONO! Owwww, Freddie!" I screamed as Fred tackled me into one of the snow piles Filch had left behind.

"You made it too easy." I threw a handful of snow in his face. "Oww, Lissa."

"You made it too easy." I mocked.

"That's it." He said as he started to bury me in the snow.

"Fred! Stop!" I shouted through my laughter.

"Get off her! What do you think you're doing? My father will hear about this."

Fred stopped burying me and we both looked up to see a very red faced, angry Draco pulling on Fred's coat. His little Slytherin gang standing as body guards behind him.

"Draco, we're just having fun. I know you know what that is." Fred and I stood up, Fred crossing his arms and Draco putting his hands on his hips, the both of them staring at each other in utter disgust. Draco looked so puny staring up at Fred, who looked to be nearly 6ft tall at only thirteen years old. I threw a snow ball at Draco to try and break the tension that had started to melt the snow in close proximity.

"Melissa! Uggh." He groaned and stormed off with the rest of his little Slytherin gang.

"No offense Lissa. But he's an ass."

"Hey, he's not that bad. When he's on his own at least." I said looking over to the archway where they were now sitting after bullying some Hufflepuff girls out of it.

"Fred!" Shouted George running over to join us. "Look who it is." He was pointing to Quirrel who had just stepped into the courtyard from the bridge.

"Ohh Lissa, watch this. You're going to love it."

I walked over to Holly and Maddi, who were sitting on the wall of the fountain. "Any idea what they're up to now?" Asked Holly.

"No idea, but according to Fred I'm going to love it."

The three of us watched as the twins quickly made a pile of snow balls and then took out their wands. I have absolutely no idea what spell they used, but the snow balls rose up into the air and one by one started to hit Professor Quirrel on the back of his turban. This sent the entire courtyard into fits of laughter. Well, except from Draco and his band of followers, Heather being one them. She looked the most disgusted, even more so than Draco.

"I'm really starting to worry about her." Said Holly, who I hadn't realised was looking in the same direction as me. "She's changed. She's always angry now and every time I ask her to hang out she comes up with an excuse. I don't know if it's finding out that we're both adopted or that she's found out she's a pure blood or who knows what it could be because she won't talk to me."

"Wow am I glad I don't have a sister." Stated a badly timed Maddi.

"Maddi! Not the right time." I told her sternly.

"Sorry." She said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and tried to cheer up Holly. "I'm not sure Draco is being very helpful, maybe it's a Slytherin thing. He seems to be very angry all the time lately Maybe it will be easier when it's just you two at home for christmas."

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