1 - Crossroad

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Harry suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night, completely oblivious on where he was and why he felt so cold. It takes him a couple more seconds to adjust to the dark and realize he wasn't in his bed, and a couple more to remember he was laying on the ground on a crossroad. He doesn't recall falling asleep, much less in the middle of the road.

Harry sits down, then observing he wasn't alone. There was a shadow in front of him, but the night was too dark for him to make up who, or what, it was. Immediately, he felt a shiver on his spine, coming to senses on the very creepy situation he barely remember getting himself in.

He was thinking about running away, but he had no recollection of where he was, much less where to go. All he knew was that he had never felt this afraid in his 24 years if living.

- You called for me... - the shadow pronounces itself, making Harry's skin crawl. - You sleep like an infant, you know that right? - He laughs, looking down upon him.

- Please, don't hurt me. I'll give you whatever you want, I promise - Harry's voice shakes as he speaks, mostly because of the fear but also from the cold wind.

- And why would I do that? - He sounds sarcastic, and Harry notices his figure approaching closer. - You called for me.

- Who are you? What do you want from me? - Harry almost cries as he tries to speak.

- Oh, honey, you don't remember?

And then it hits him. He finally recalls the past hours of his life.

That day, everything had gone wrong for him. He crashed his car to the point no repair could fix, got fired from his job, got ditched by the only people he ever considered his friends, his elder dog died and to top everything, he got diagnosed with terminal cancer. At that point, he realized that was no point living anymore.

He was ready to swallow every pill he could find when some old book fell from his bookshelf. He vaguely recalled being his friend's creepy book, that he once brought over to his house because he was trying to convince Harry to play Ouija or summon some type of demon. Although Harry did not believe that to be possible, he'd rather not mess with those stuff. Since then, the book resided there, at the top of his shelf.

He had nothing to loose anymore, so he'd figured, why not? He planned on dying that day anyway. He opened a random page of the heavy old book and did exactly as he was told, which brings us to where he got in the crossroad in the first place. He was so high on meds he deduced he had imagined that all happening.

Apparently not.

- You should be thankful, you know. When I got here, your ass was overdosing. You're welcome, by the way - the shadow continues, so full of himself that Harry didn't need to see him to know the egocentric look he probably had on his face.

- I made a mistake. I called you, whoever you are, by mistake - Harry says, trying to be as clear as he can, feeling like his head is spinning around.

- Doesn't matter, honey, I am here anyway. You can't uncall me - he get a step closer, and Harry closes his eyes tightly hoping it would all go away.

- Please, leave me alone. This is just a nightmare. I want to wake up! - Harry raises his voice, that ends up trembling.

- Open your eyes - the figure says, but this time it's way closer than before. Harry tries his best not to cry.

- Go away, I'm begging you! - he pleads, in vain.

- I said open your eyes! - the scary man almost scream, so close that Harry could smell his breath. As much as he didn't want to, he had no choice but to open them, letting a single tear shed through his face.

The moment he did so, he could not believe his eyes. In front of him, surrounded by the dark night without a single star in the sky, was the most astonishing pair of eyes he had ever seen. The most perfect pure blue he could ever imagine, starring directly at his soul.

For a second, he forgot all the fear he was feeling. He was in the most horrifying situation one could ever experience, and for some reason he felt in paradise.


Hope you like it!

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