10 - Soulmates

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Harry Styles is nothing if not a persistent fucker.

Nine months. That's how long it took. And no, not to make a deal – he meant it when he said he wouldn't – but for the cancer to take over. It was impressive that it even took that long, considering he never sought a doctor.

The past months consisted of mostly Niall caring for him, to be honest. A demon, caring for him.

How ironic was the world.

Harry was too weak to do it himself. And... well, he liked Niall doing it.

As of now, though, he couldn't anymore. His sickness rendered the both of them useless – the demon having been tied to the human so long his body grew sick along Harry's own. Now, Niall was dying too.

They were lying beside each other on the human's bed, which was more so their bed than anything else now, Niall being too sick to keep sleeping at the couch or not wanting to. Probably both.

Harry was gasping for air, the air hurting his entire body every time it made his damaged lungs expand.

- So this is it - Harry stated, barely above a whisper, looking up to the ceiling. His left hand almost touched Niall's where they lay on the bed, so close yet still so far.

- This is it, honey - Niall said, in the same tone. His honey hasn't sounded mocking in a while, coming out as more so a pet name than anything else. Harry didn't mind it.

- I'm dying - Harry declared, unenthusiastically.

- I'm aware - Niall sighs, turning his body to face Harry's profile - It's killing me too.

- Sorry about that - the human mumbles, tears welling up on the side of his eyes.

- It's killing me in more ways than one - the demon insists, staring intently on Harry's profile. He turns to meet his eyes.

- I said I'm sorry - Harry says, voice coming out clipped due to his wanting to cry.

- You can still make a deal - Niall suggests calmly, the first time he mentions it in months, having given up on it a while ago. Maybe not really wanting to leave, either.

- You know, I've considered - the human says weakly, cleaning the tear that escapes his left eye.

- You have? - Niall asks, genuinely surprised.

- Wouldn't you know? You can read my mind.

- I can, - Niall nods, taking in his bright green eyes (that have become dull over the sickness) - but I haven't. Anything you want me to know, you tell me yourself, honey.

The demon quite literally offering Harry more privacy than most people in his life ever did, even though being physically and emotionally tied to him and having every reason to be mad at Harry, makes him cry for real this time.

A beat later, Niall is cupping the side of his face, wiping the tears gently with his thumb.

- It's okay, I know.

The thing is; he does know. He feels everything Harry does. Yet, here he is, caring for him.

A demon caring for a human.

The irony of the world.

Harry manages to compose himself under the demon gentle touch after a few minutes, which is hard, because crying makes his lungs hurt more, giving him more reason to cry.

- I'm really selfish - Harry whispers, eyes closed, turning his body to face Niall's.

- A few months ago, I would agree - the demon laughs without humor - Not now, though. You never meant to summon a demon, this isn't your fault. I get it.

- That's not what I meant - Harry shakes his head, slowly opening his eyes to meet the demon's bright blue ones - I have wanted to make a deal for a while.

- You have? - Niall widens his eyes in complete confusion.

Harry nods.

- Why haven't you?

- Well... - Harry sighs deeply, holding back another cry that tries escaping - The only reason I have to live would be gone if I made a deal.

Niall widens his eyes further, the thumb still caressing Harry's cheek stopping for a second before returning more intently, a smile spreading on Niall's face.

- Harr-

- Niall - Harry interrupts him, a serious look on his face - I'd rather have ten more days with you, than ten years by myself.

The demon doesn't answer him. Instead, his hand goes to the back of Harry's neck instead, pulling him closer to close the space between their faces – that wasn't very wide to begin with.

A second later, their lips touch. Their first kiss. The only kiss that has ever mattered in the human's life. A perfect kiss.

Somehow, it makes the human able to breathe healthier again, even if for only a couple seconds. His heartbeat accelerates. His body melts. His lips are on the demon's – no, not a demon. Niall. And Harry knows. Harry just fucking knows.

Niall seems to know, too.

The demon feels his soul shake desperately, trying to escape from wherever it's locked on the kingdom on hell. Trying to reach him. Trying to reach his half.


Five centuries. It took five centuries, but here he is. Lips on his. Chipped breaths. Long curly hair. Green eyes. Stubborn. Depressed. Witty. Brave. Perfect.



The kiss ends, lips lingering for a few seconds before their heads lay back on the pillows, breaths intertwining between their faces. Hand on neck. Heavenly eyes on green. Perfect.


And Niall just knows, this is it. He doesn't want a deal either. He's glad Harry hasn't made it, and he hopes he never does. He can never go back to being a crossroad demon anymore, because this is it. This is it.

What he has been looking for his entire existence, right here.


- I found you - Niall whispers, and now he's crying.

Blue eyes glisten on the dark night, room illuminated by the moon.

Harry holds his hand, and nods.

- You found me.

And they know.

They are here. They are it. They are soulmates.

They are dying.

And they can only hope that when they do, there's a place somewhere where their souls can be together forever. That Niall's soul frees itself, and finds Harry, wherever it goes.

They can only hope.

Until then, they have now. At least for a little while. Ten days, or whatever it'll be.

A demon and a human.

Niall and Harry.



hello, i came back to finish the fic bc it was too lovely not to have an ending
hope u liked it!

i intended on being longer, but i like how it came out :)

i wont be posting anymore fics in here, but you can find me on ao3
(where i'm currently posting marauders era fanfics!)
user is moonydirection <3

luv u bye

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