6 - Lake

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- How rude of you - Niall says walking by Harry's side as they leave the building.

- How evil of you to make me do this - Harry answers, but doesn't look at Niall by his side, only walking faster now.

- I am a demon after all, my love. I can't deny I'm all sorts of evil - Niall catches up to him, walking the same pace as the other does. - Also, a little flirting never hurts, it's not like I haven't fucked one, or multiple, humans before.

- You won't fuck my friends, that much I can say. I won't let it - Harry says, getting angrier by the seconds.

- You call this friendship? - the demon says, shocked. - Your standards really are that low?

- Stop talking. You don't know shit - he says, stoping at a bench facing a lake and sitting down. He was so full of emotion his vision was becoming blurry by all the anger, confusion, sadness and hopelessness. The last two days haven't been exactly easy on him...

- I wished I didn't, 'cause I really couldn't care less. But I do - Niall sits by his side, facing the human instead of the lake.

Harry can't really rationalize what the other is saying. He is facing the ground trying to regain his conscious, not being able to make up his thoughts.

The last forty-eight hours he had lost his brand new vehicle and all the money he invested on it, the company he had during all his growth and also his emotional support dog had passed away, he got fired from the only job he has ever actually liked because he wasn't "good enough", he got diagnosed with lung cancer after having not once smoked in his life to preserve his health, got stoop up by the only friends he thought were loyal to him when he needed them more than ever, tried to kill himself by taking meds and was brought back from an overdoses by the demon he accidentally summoned because he really didn't think anything would happen, appeared in Italy for a few minutes without any possible logical explications, came back, spends hours drugged in the dark struggling to find his way home, had his every move followed by said demon and finally went to see his friends who couldn't care less about him, having to prevent one of them to getting sexually involved with a demonic thing.

His life couldn't possibly get any worse, he thought. But yet, here he were, a demon seated by his side staring into his soul while he was holding himself from balling his eyes off.

- Your friends... what were their names? They don't care about you. I would be doing you a favor in fucking one of them - Niall continued, breaking the silence.

Harry heard what Niall said, but what caught his attention wasn't what Niall would've expect.

- What do you mean "what are their names"? How come you don't know? You knew mine - Harry finally looked up, eyes bearing a lost look.

- That's because I'm tied to you, my love. I know everything there is about you - the demon says like it's obvious. - That is, until you make the deal and let me go.

- You're tied to me? - Harry looks the demon in the eyes, becoming paralyzed for a second. Not only could he not believe what he heard, he also couldn't wrap his head around how something supposedly evil could have eyes like that.

- I feel like I've told you this before, honey. But yeah, I am. I can even rummage inside your head if I feel like it, but you're too depressed for my liking - Niall says, shocking the other even more.

- I'm hallucinating, right? - Harry looks at the lake as the entire world seems to spin around him.

- That's offensive - Niall says, sarcastically. - No, you're not. You're just too stubborn and have too much pride to make a fucking deal.

- I want you gone... - Harry says lower, feeling hopeless.

- So do I. It's up to you me leaving, unfortunately. Humans aren't usually as boring as you - Niall also stares at the lake ahead, imagining all the places he could be and the sins he could be making simultaneously. The thought only makes him more annoyed to be there.

- And if I don't?

- Then I'll be tied to you forever - Niall says, the words scaring Harry.

- And when I die? - Harry asks after not talking for a while, observing the way the water moved on the lake ahead.

That question caught Niall by surprise. For the first is his existence as a demon, not only he did not know the answer, but he felt a little desperate. He didn't know any demon that went through that and he's also pretty sure there isn't any. There's nowhere for him to find out other than if that actually happened. It's not like he could schedule a meeting with the devil and ask him.

- I actually don't fucking know, so you better not - Niall says, and Harry takes notice that for the first time he actually sounds like he has feelings.


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