9 - Missing you

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"Where are you, Niall?" Harry thought to himself, for the first time ever hoping the demon was inside his head so he would hear him.

Niall had been gone since they last talked. Harry wasn't sure how long it had been, he lost track of the days a while ago, but he knew it had been at least a couple days.

And that's the longest he has ever been gone.

Harry knew, for a fact, Niall couldn't possibly be far (like, physically, could not), but it's hard, if not impossible, to find a demon that does not wish to be found.

Niall can appear and disappear whenever and wherever he wishes. So even if he was close, Harry didn't stand a chance on finding him.

"Talk to me..." Harry thought again, eyes closed as if it changed anything.


"If you're not here I just seem insane talking to someone else in my own head" Harry sounded frustraded, even in his own mind.

"You are insane" Harry heard Niall's voice echo inside his head, as if it was someone else's thought that got lost and invaded his own.

Harry could never get used to hearing somebody else's voice inside him.

"Fucking finally!" Harry thought, yet again, imagining Niall was there so he wouldn't feel so weird talking/thinking to himself. "Where are you?"

- Here - Niall said, outloud, appearing in front of Harry, making him snap his eyes open due to the sudden noise in his flat.

- Do you want to kill me? - Harry put a hand on his heart, that was beating fast because he got frightened.

- As if I could - Niall rolled his eyes, still staring at Harry. - What do you want?

- You were gone for days! - Harry said, finally calming down after a couple deep breaths.

He wouldn't admit a soul, but for some messed up reason he did miss the demon.

- You do know I'm not a genie, right? You can't summon me here to grant your every wish. I have free wil - Niall said, sounding annoyed and impatient.

- I was just worried. I thought you had found a way to get out of here - Harry said, in a small, timid tone.

- I wish... but then again, if I did, I would've lost the sight of you missing me - Niall smirked. His signature, evil, mocking smirk.

Harry blushed. Fuck! He shouldn't have said that he was worried. But then again, what's the point since Niall would find out either way?

- So what if I did? - Harry composed himself from his blush, looking in Niall's eyes. I guess his eyes was what he missed the most, especially since the last time he saw them, they looked so red and perverse and nothing like his natural beautiful blue eyes. - I did fucking miss you, Niall.

Harry did say he wouldn't tell a soul. Technically, Niall's hasn't got one.

The demon was quiet. He didn't expect Harry to play along to his teasings. Or admit out loud that he missed him.

- I know you did - Niall said, after a while, looking at the strange human he somehow was beggining to not hate. - You haven't fucking stopped thinking about it and it was driving me insane too...

Silence. Again.

Harry kept forgeting Niall knew his every thought. He felt exposed... more than normal. And even more so, he felt humiliated.

- Where were you, then? - Harry said, looking at the ground now. He couldn't stand to look at those heavenly blue eyes as he was feeling so humiliated by their owner.

- In your neighbor's house - Niall answer, deciding he had already gave Harry a hard enough time.

- Was he traveling or something? - Harry asked, curious and confused, still looking down.

- Not really. Let's just say he wasn't the fondest of my presence. Kept calling priests to exorcize me - Niall laughed and Harry couldn't help but smile at that sound he, for some reason, grew to like.

- Then why did you stay?

- Well, I can't really stay too far away from you, can I? - Niall walked to Harry, tilting his chin up with his finger, making the human look at him. - I guess I should be glad I'm stuck to someone like you.

- Like me? - Harry asked, not moving an inch and holding his breath as they both were so close.

- Yes. At the very least, you're a great sight to look at.


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