8 - Questions

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It's been another month since the incident, where Niall tried to kill Harry and began to die himself. He didn't try that again.

Nevertheless, Harry was still dying. Niall could feel it more clearly now, since it was also affecting him.

His cancer was getting worse.

Harry still refused to seek help, a doctor or a deal. He was just so incredibly stubborn!

Niall didn't even care much about the fact that he was tied to Harry now. It's been two months and no one on the underground world is willing to help him. He knows there's no other way than to make a deal. But he did care about the fact the he might also die.

He didn't live all this centuries as a demon, all that years (so long ago) as a human, just to die like this. He couldn't. He wouldn't.

And neither should Harry! Die from cancer, for hell's sake?! There's no worse way to die.

"Will you at least talk to me?" Harry heard, inside his head. It was Niall's voice. At some point he just stopped asking the demon to stay out.

And since Harry wouldn't talk to Niall, he had no other choice than to go inside his mind. But that, also, was beggining to not work.

"I don't want to talk" Harry thought, knowing Niall would hear, since he was in his head too.

- I will tell you about my past - Niall said, out loud, looking defeated. He layed on the small couch with a stack of books beside him. He has already read them all.

- You will? - Harry spoke, sitting up on his bed and looking at Niall across the flat, not so far from him.

- Yes. At this point, I'm willing to do anything to not have to read another one of your cheesy ass books - Niall said, in a serious tone. Eyes shining through the dark room, the light of the sun setting by the window iluminating his figure.

- Ok. I'll talk to you - Harry said, excited. He has been wondering about the demon's past for so long, especially since he discovered he was once human.

- What do you want to know? - Niall stood up and walked to the bed, sitting on it in front of Harry.

- Since when are you a demon? How did you become one? Were you really a human before? What's the worst thing you've done? - Harry started spitting out questions, barely taking a breath between them. Niall looked at him with wide eyes.

- Oh my god, calm down - Niall said, not understanding half of what the other said. - I will answer one question, that's it.

- Five or I'll go back to the silent treatment - Harry said, in a serious tone. He knew how muxh Niall liked a deal.

- Okay, three. I will answer three questions - Niall said, defeated.

- Deal - Harry smiled (a sight Niall hasn't seen barely ever, so it surprised him on how beautiful it was. Who knew this annoying human could look this good?)

- So, what do you want to ask? One question at a time, now - Niall said, sitting straighter and staring at the human.

- So, when were you alive? Like, as a human... - Harry said, excited. He couldn't take his off of Niall in pure expectation.

- In the fifteen hundreds - the demon responded, serious. Harry, at first, thought it was a joke, but the demon did not laugh.

- Really? Fifteen hundred as in five centuries ago? That can't be real - Harry said, shocked. He had his eyes wide open and could not believe that the "person" in front of him had been "alive" for that long. - Oh my god, how old were you? What happened?

- Is that your second and third question? - Niall said, serious.

- Well, no. But they are a continuation of the first! - Harry responded, a little dumbfounded.

- I already answered the first. Do you want to make that the second?

- Ugh, no! I should have known better - Harry rolled his eyes, frustrated. He satyed quiet as he thought for a little while. - Okay, I've got my sencond one.

- Shoot.

- How did you become a demon? - Harry was so curious he could barely seat still.

- I made countless deals, until I didn't have anything else to offer. But I still made more, and now I owe eternity - Niall said, for the first time breaking eye contact.

He was dead serious, Harry could not believe! All that sounded so unreal... But it happened! Niall was not laughing or smirking as he usually did when he would tease him. And Niall, as a demon, would likely never mess around with a deal. And they made a deal: three questions. So it must be true.

- But why? - Harry managed to say, after keeping himself silent, in shock, for at least a couple minutes.

- Is that your third question? - Niall asked, looking back at him.

Harry thought for a while. Until he said:

- Fine, it is. I want to know why...

Niall took a deep breath, he didn't want to answer that question. He didn't really know how to. He hadn't talked about that in so long... literally centuries!

But he made a deal, so after he found the words, he looked back at Harry.

- Well, I found out while I was alive that I had a soulmate. Turns out that are very few of those. Less than a thousand during the whole existence of our world... - Niall started, but just couldn't stare at Harry anymore, so he layed on the bed and looked at the white ceiling. Harry joined him while listening carefully. - I died before I found them. So I made deals to have more time. And more. And more. Until there was no time left - the demon said, a tone in his voice Harry never heard before. Niall was silent, but he hadn't stopped yet. - They are probably dead by now. It's been way too long. And even if they aren't, I haven't got a soul anymore.

They stayed in silence as Niall finished his speech. Harry staring and the demon's side profile, and it (or should I say he?) staring at the ceiling still.

Harry didn't know how to process this. How to process the fact that the demon who's been hunting his life was once just a human in love. Hopelessly in love.

But before he could process everything he had just heard, he shot the demon one more question.

- And why does that matter? That you don't have a soul... - Harry was looking curiously at Niall, who still hadn't moved.

- To recognize your soulmate you've got to have a pure heart and soul - Niall answered, so stuck in his thoughts that he forgot that the questions were over. - I've got neither.

- Can't you get it back? - Harry asked, exasperated. He sits up ond the bed and stares at Niall. For some reason, the demon's story moved him a lot. He felt the need to make it right as if it was his own life.

Niall stayed silent. After a couple minutes, he stood up with a straight face, finally turning to look at the human.

- Your questions are over - Niall said, his eyes turning completely bloody red, yet again, as he disappeared from the flat.


That's my favorite chapter so far!
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