2 - Italy

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- W-who are y-you? - was the first thing Harry was able to ramble out, heart racing inside his chest.

- What are you is a best fitted question, my dear - he responds, sarcasm in his tones and still the deep blue eyes focused on him.

- Then what? W-what are you? - Harry says, sounding equally fearful and magnified.

- I'm the crossroad demon, here to make your deal - he smiles, and Harry is able to see his white teeth shine through the night.

- D-d-demon? - Harry struggles to get the word out, feeling like he's about to faint.

- Honey, you called for one, what the hell were you expecting? - he forcefully makes Harry stand up, seeming like it didn't take any strength whatsoever to do so.

Before Harry could react in any way, the moment he opened his eyes from blinking he was in a completely different place. Suddenly, he was sitting down at a small round table in what looked like a cafe, surrounded by people speaking a language he didn't recognize and getting hit by a warming daylight.

At that second, he was sure he was hallucinating, until he realized the same piercing blue eyes were sitting across from him. And he knew that type of beauty he couldn't possibly imagine.

Because it was day now, he could she the rest of the man's figure. He had pale skin, almost milky, in a way. Brown hair that transitioned into blond at the tips on the top of his head, making him look borderline angelic. His legs were crossed as he sipped on a cup of tea, and Harry couldn't help but notice the rest of his body, covered by all black clothes but a white tank top underneath. And to top it all, his face. Lips perfectly rounded and pink, a nose sculpted by angels, cheeks and brows just the right amount of sharp, and, finally, his perfect blue eyes.

He looked like what he imagined beauty itself would look like.

- You can call me Niall if it makes you feel any better - he states, getting hit by the sun like it was made just for him.

- I don't understand. How are you a demon? - Harry sounds absolutely flabbergasted.

- Oh, honey, am I not what you expected? - Niall smiles ironically, observing the other's shock.

- Where are we? - Harry looks around, not recognizing anything that was there.

- Italy. Do you like it? - the demon says, looking around the little street where they were.

- How are we here? - he couldn't help but shoot him with questions. He was beginning to think he actually was delirious.

- Harry Styles, let me remind you, I'm not human - Niall states as if Harry knew that for ages.

- How do you know my name? - Harry turns to look at him, scared.

- Again, not human - he sounds annoyed, looking back at the guy. - Are you done with the questions yet?

- What? You're gonna let me go? - Harry almost cheers.

- Duh, of course. We just need to make the deal and I'll be on my way.

- Deal? What deal? - the human continues only responding with questions, completely dumbfounded.

- The one you called me for...? - Niall sounds impatient, tired of answering the other's dumb questions. Other humans aren't usually that stupid.

- I told you, it was a mistake! - Harry pleads, desperately.

- Sorry to inform you, but that are no such things. I can only leave once we make the deal - the demon states like it's obvious.

- And what deal would that be?

- Well, you tell me whatever you want, anything at all! Might be becoming CEO, getting rid of your cancer, becoming the sexiest man alive... it's up to you. And 10 years up from now I'll come back to take you.

- Anything? Even my dog? - Harry asks, surprised, not really processing all the information he just got.

- You can ask for literally anything and you want a fucking old dog? - the demon looks at him, almost disgusted. - Have you got no creativity?

- Well, that changes nothing. I already told you, this a mistake. I'm not making a deal - Harry reaffirms, for the first time not sounding that scared.

- How many times do I have to go over this? You do not have a choice! - the demon raises his voices, catching the attention of the Italians around him, who probably don't get much of what he's saying. - You've called me, and I won't leave till we make a deal.

- Then you're stuck with me.


I'm so excited with this story, it's been fun to write it!

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