chapter eight - backstabbed (figuratively)

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You know how I said Lara's corpse tops the list of gruesome things I've seen before?

I take it back. This is far worse.

Sure, everybody who's died so far has died unjustly. And in all fairness, Marley had this coming for her. But as Alab and I slow down upon reaching the fire, what I'm welcomed with fills me with pure terror.

The fire's been relit unusually early. In fact, it's probably only midnight by now. But there's an evident reason why: somebody wants to watch us react to Marley's dead body. Each of her limbs have been sliced apart, cut even more and thrown into the burning fire. Strands of her painfully beautiful dark hair lay beside her limbs too. If we don't put this fire out, she'll burn away!

I'd like to believe I'm a fast thinker. But I'm not. However, even if I was, none of us are quick enough to even try and put out the fire. Within seconds, Marley's body is nothing but a memory.

"Did that... just happen?" Melodie sniffles. I glance over at the girl; she's rubbing her blood-shot eyes and trying to hold in her tears. And then I glance at Omar, who's staring straight back at me with a look of total hatred.

"I've tried guys. I've tried so damn hard to trust you two but you're making it so increasingly difficult for me to do so. You kill one of my best friends, vote out my other two and point the blame at innocent people? Nobody deserved to die but you let it happen."

I stand frozen in my place, gazing stupidly at Omar in silence as he continues. Each word he spits out is louder than the last.

"Doing whatever you did to Marley," he gestures to the fireplace, "took this too far." Omar's on the verge of screaming, which I never imagined he was capable of. It's slightly frightening watching him boil with rage.

"How could you?" Melodie wipes her nose and tries to hold in her tears. It doesn't work.

Omar slowly approaches me, a horrifying expression plastered on his tanned face. In complete honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if he killed me right here and now.

"You nearly had me fooled, Indah. You know that? With you pulling your innocent bitchface act, I nearly thought you were too stupid to kill this many people and get away with it! But I can see the truth now: you're a killer. A terrible person who deserves to be met with her fate. I'll make sure you're gone tonight." His volume drops drastically so only I can hear him speak. Shivers run throughout my body; I really am terrified of Omar now.

He then turns to face Melodie, who's still sobbing loudly. I didn't notice Alab move to comfort her until he crouches beside her and starts to comfort her.

"I'd encourage you two to vote Indah as well but I won't force you. Unlike her, I have enough dignity to accept my fate should I need to. Just consider your choices: a cold-blooded murderer or an innocent person." Omar spits out his last words before storming off somewhere. I don't bother to look, he won't be back for a while.

For the millionth time since the first night, I don't know what to do. I just know that Omar needs to be voted out tonight or nobody can be guaranteed safety any longer. I bring myself to the nearest log, embracing the warmth of the fire. Then I see Marley's figure standing amongst the flames, smiling. As if... she's found comfort being dead.

"You're doing the right thing, Indah. You can win it all."

Marley's gone and the fire is flickering as it was just before. You really are going insane!

And then I remember – Marley's journal!

It doesn't take long to find her dusty, beige-covered journal. I pick it up off the concrete path I found it on, ignoring the fact that there's concrete in the woods, and skim through the information.

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