chapter ten - square one

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After voting out Melodie, I assumed this game was over. I'd be able to go home alive and continue living my teenage life with only memories to provide proof that this ever happened. Unfortunately, there hasn't been any sign of that since Melodie vanished a few hours ago.

I'm used to being alone. My only company has been myself for as long as I can remember. However, it feels... different. Daunting, maybe. I'm right back at the starting line now with the added bonus of trauma.

For a while, I consider that everybody's still here in spirit. I can imagine Marley's ghost arguing with Omar over food poisoning and poorly cooked meals. I can picture Lara whining about her boyfriend while her snobby pack of friends comfort her. And I can imagine Alab sitting right next to me, talking about who-knows-what.

"Come on girl, you're so close!" somebody calls. I look all around me without seeing anybody. And then I notice the ghastly white figures of familiar people.

"W-What?" I jump from where I'm sat.

"Relax! I can't hurt you from here. Not like I could to start with," Marley snickers in front of me. She's stood in the centre of the campfire yet the flames don't affect her. Her right arm is wrapped in bandages and there's a big scar on her cheek. Oh, her hair looks messy and uncared for too.

"Heal yourself, genius. Maybe you'll actually win?" Lara calls out from a distance. She's sat near some bushes with Colleen and Odette. I look around for Elizabeth and find her with Melodie. They both wave at me with a genuine smile. I do the same back.

"Or... you could try running out? If you're quick enough, nobody can shoot you!" Thiago chuckles to my right. I didn't even see him beside me but now that I notice him, I recognise Omar, Quinn and Mila with him.

"God, Thiago. I think it's great you got voted first because you love contributing absolutely nothing to the plan!" Chidi sneers.

"You know what man? I'd have to agree with you on that," a familiar voice speaks up and I feel my smile return.

"Ew. Get over yourself Alab. You're dead." Marley reminds him.

"Who cares?" Alab answers. The two go into an argument and Thiago joins in, purely out of spite.

"Listen girl. You should've listened to Melodie because she wasn't kidding about this Rosalie chick. But now that you're the last one left, here's what you've gotta do," Mila shuffles closer to me.

"Heal yourself tonight since you decided your stupid... would you consider Alab your boyfriend? Whatever, he's dead. You decided Alab was more important to save, which is cute!" Quinn starts to explain.

"Cut it! This is my advice," Mila interrupts.

"Anyways, if you heal yourself, you'll have one more night to eliminate the murderer. Once you do, you can get out of here alive!" Quinn cheers, ignoring Mila's complaints.

"Woohoo, surviving!" Colleen calls out.

"You've gotta do this for us, Indah. You're our last hope!" Marley approaches me. I look to my left, awaiting Alab's comment.

"Well, I technically shouldn't be supporting any of this since I was Evil. But you deserve to live Indah. Please do. For all of us," he smiles.

"GOD, will you ever stop swooning over her? You're dead!" Marley groans dramatically.

"Let the boy be lovesick for once," Quinn responds.

"Well, we'd better be going. You've got this Indah," Mila waves goodbye and motions for everyone else to do the same.

And then they're gone.

Figments of my imagination.

I truly have lost my mind.

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