chapter eleven - my sincerest apologies

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I'm not a monster, I promise.

Yes, I do understand that Indah only wished to make it out of here alive. Her journal seemed to emphasise that quite a bit.

Yes, I do understand that I just killed Indah with my own two hands.

No, I didn't want to do it.

Let me explain.

My name is Veronica. I'm 16. And I was forced into the role of the Assassin by my "best friend" Rosalie. I had one opportunity throughout this game of Flicker to kill somebody. I didn't need to use that chance though. Rosalie insisted I save it until the very end.

In all honesty, I have no clue how Rosalie was able to predict Indah as the last surviving member of the Good Team. Rosalie also somehow knew that Indah was the Medic and would only start to protect herself once her friend was killed. I suspect she's associated with many other terrible people but I never once spoke of it.

Because she would've killed me if I did.

To be totally transparent, I barely knew anything. She never told me her full "Perfect Revenge Plan", as she called it. Only the parts where I had to get involved.

I think she blackmailed the other members of the Evil Team. She knew some big secret that would totally destroy their lives if it ever got out and told them they had to play to keep her quiet. But she still let them die.

She let so many people die.

Like Indah.

Her dead body was spread out in front of me. Rosalie was grinning eagerly behind her.

"Good work Veronica! First kill, proud of you," she brought me in for a hug. Guilt rushed through my veins and I nearly puked.

"Are you satisfied now Rosalie?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" she answered.

"You've killed everyone you hated and everyone you sided with. You've killed people who trusted you, people who wanted to help you and people who never even knew you. Have you finally found whatever revenge you so desperately sought after?" I spat out, backing away from Rosalie.

"Veronica, Veronica, Veronica." My name rolled nicely off her tongue.

"You really are so naïve Veronica. Couldn't you see? Each and every one of those idiots deserved to die a miserable death. They never cared about each other. All they wanted was to get out alive, even if everyone else died along the way. Selfish brats!" she yelled while brushing her hands, as if she had Indah's blood all over them.

"The only selfish bitch here is YOU Rosalie!" I screamed back. My awful voice echoed throughout the forest.

Rosalie didn't answer. Evaluating my escape routes, I started to back up.

"God Veronica. You've been nothing but a pain in my ass this entire game. I thought you wanted in on the fun? What happened?" Rosalie's smile started to worry me. Last time I saw her like this, she was busy slicing up Marley's limbs.

"It stopped being fun when you let Elizabeth take the blame. She was supporting you!" I called back. Left path would be the quickest.

"Quit the complaining. Elizabeth was on the verge of depression, I simply helped her out!"

"What are you saying?"

"Omar was the same too. He couldn't get over that bitch Lara so I killed her. He was still sulky so I just let him take the blame too. Reasonable? I think so!"

"Fine. But Alab?"

"Don't even get me started on him-"

"HE WAS IN LOVE, ROSALIE!" I screamed with all my might.

No answer.

"He was so out-of-his-mind in love with Indah and you just had to go and ruin it by killing them both."

"He never cared!"


"ENOUGH!" Rosalie boomed.

She pulled out a pistol from her pocket and tossed it between her hands.

"I'm done with you Veronica. Why don't I just shoot you now and get out of here? It would be the perfect end to my perfect revenge plan," Rosalie cackled. She brushed her blonde hair to the side and aimed right at me.

I didn't fear Rosalie. I never have. Sure, she may have been a twisted psychopath with a love for murder. But she had her fatal flaws. One of them being overconfidence.

"Try it."

Now, I'll have you know that the firearm in Rosalie's hands was unloaded. I made sure to give that specific one to her in case something like this happened. However, it didn't really matter.

One, two, three.


One, two, three.

Rosalie's pistol fell to the ground, as does she.

"Get over here and fucking help me!" Rosalie screamed. She clutched her chest with a considerable amount of pressure. Her hands were shaking by now and were stained with her own sinister blood. Karma one, Rosalie zero.

"VERONICA! DO... something..." She coughed out something red and it marked her skin. I stayed where I was, watching her grow more and more weary. Did I mention I'm not a monster? Let me reiterate that because I didn't kill Rosalie. She was simply playing with death itself and she lost miserably.

She died a minute later. I never really knew for certain who was behind her death, but I think it has something to do with the Clown.

And that is how I won Flicker.

Well, did I really win anything? Not really. There was no massive cash prize or award. And the images of everybody lying dead are permanently engraved in my mind. However, I suppose there was some good that came out of surviving. School was shut down for a few weeks since practically everyone had to be interrogated by the cops, me included. I got myself out of anything since the police easily fall for the 'dumb brunette girl' excuse. Indah's journal and Indah's only made its way to the authorities and the investigation of the woods was aired on the local news for what felt like forever.

They'd share plenty of clips of each body as they found it, which felt slightly unnecessary. I recall my parents yelling at me from across the house to watch as the coroner poked at Rosalie's dead body. "How are you coping with her passing?" they'd ask in a faulty attempt to care about their daughter. I'd tell them I'm fine, because I am. And then I'd lock myself in my room and ball my eyes out.

I'm no murderer. Well, no. Technically I am. I killed Indah, there isn't any way to deny that. But the weight of my own despair makes it feel like I single-handedly ended each and every one of their lives. Sometimes, I imagine a life where I'd become friends with these people and Flicker never would've happened. But no. Rosalie decided that a full-scale murder operation was the perfect solution to our social crisis. Genius idea, Rosalie.

Tonight's colder than usual for a Summer night. My windows are shut and the glow of the night seeps in. I lie motionless on my bed, staring up at the torn grey ceiling. It's overdue for a repaint but nobody can be bothered completing the task. My empty journal, along with Rosalie's, sit on my desk. Almost as if they're waiting for me to relive it all.

With a loud sigh, I get up from my bed and take my journal. I never had any time to write anything because I was too busy chasing around Rosalie like a dog. Pathetic.

Flipping to the first page, I don't expect to see anything. But I do.

I know you're just dying to relive the Flicker experience. I used to be you, Veronica. And I'm sure you're desperate for answers. Why did Rosalie choose Flicker? Who's actually behind this? Return to this address in 1 year and I'll make sure you get to enjoy Flicker for once and you'll have all the answers you search for.

Riverview Medical Centre
182 Pine Lane

When the lights go out, you'll have the chance to strike.

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