~ five ~

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As we reached the towering doors at the front of the school, I took a deep breath in through my nose and panic took over my body just like every year that has already passed. Once, when I was younger, I had a passion to learn everything about my special abilities, how to use them, how to control them, and I wanted to attend a school. Now, well now I just wish I was a normal human being whose entire childhood didn't evolve around how to doge murderous spells. It's exhausting and sometimes frightening. No sixteen-year-old should have to consider the people they speak to or become friends with out of fear of dying. No person in general should have to do such thing.


Picking up our luggage from the entrance of school everyone grouped off into their houses as we made our way to our common rooms. My feet were dragging up each step, startling me when they began to move. I needed to get used to this place again. When reaching the fat lady portrait entrance, we were given a new password to which I had already forgotten when entering. I didn't need it anyway considering I'd always be entering at the same time as someone else.

Fred and George helped us girls up to our dorm, dropping our bags off at the top of the steps before going off towards the boys' dorms. It was nice to be surrounded by people I knew I was safe with again. Not having to worry about my space being invaded when not necessary.

Hermione slept in the bed opposite me and one to the right and Nova slept right beside me to my left. we all unpacked and changed into our robes before going to the bathroom to freshen up. I changed my contact lenses in new saline solution before placing them back in and letting my hair down from the bun it was previously in, the streaks of strong green bouncing off the light.

Us girls walked over to the door of the dorm and walked down towards the middle of the common room where all the guys waited for us. Hermione and Nova paired off with George, Harry and Ron walking side by side. Fred wrapped his arm around my neck holding my in a head locked scuffing my hair up with his other knuckle, which I had just done up ready for the great hall. Too our surprise, Professor McGonagall walked through the portrait looking towards Fred and I in disgust.

"My Weasley! Release Miss Blake immediately! That is no way to handle a lady." She stood with the lips pursed and eyes wide as Fred lifted his arms up as though he was surrendering. I was trying my hardest not to break out into a smile as he started walking backwards. "Considering this is the first night, I will not give you a detention. Besides, that will make Gryffindor look awful at dinner." She walked past us, Fred and I both looking back to see if she was out of sight.

"I mean, I wouldn't exactly call you a lady." Fred crossed his arms over his chest, looking me up and down. My mouth parted letting out a sharp breath.

"You bitch!" I landed my fist into his stomach laughing as he gripped onto it. He looked up and a smile was spread across his face. Before I knew it, he was sprinting towards me. I picked up my pace, leaping through the portrait and landing onto moving stairs. Fred came to a harsh stop at the edge of the path and watched me move away on the moving staircase. I mouthed 'loser' at him and he mouthed back 'ill get you'

I turned away, only letting the grin on my face appear when he could no longer see.


Once I made my way to the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, I sat down opposite Nova and Hermione, who was also accompanied by Ron with Harry and George on my side. I made sure to leave a gap for Fred when he shows up.

I was leaning over the table to be able to hear what Achilles was saying to me from the Ravenclaw table but I still was unable to hear with the noise around me. I burst out into a ton of laughter and jolts when I felt two hands jab me in my sides and then tickle me under my arms. I nearly fell back of the bench but he was able to catch me before happening. Fred planted down beside me not saying a word but still laughing, gripping onto his side.

"Told you I'll get you." I crossed my arms looking out in front of me, where Nova was looking between Fred and I with a slight grin on her face.

"What is it?" I asked her in a whisper.

"Oh... nothing." But her smile just grew bigger, and I began to mimic her actions. She rested her wavy hair and head in her hand looking towards the Professors table, occasionally looking at Fred and I. I chose to ignore it but still couldn't fight this grin on my face.

Whilst looking around the hall, admiring the thousands of lit candles above and around me, I looked over my shoulder too see familiar faces, but to only see one pair of eyes looking back at me. The icy blue pigment in his eyes stood out amongst the others. His arms were crossed resting on the table, leaning slightly forwards just staring daggers.

The hall fell silent as Headmaster Dumbledore began to speak but I couldn't drag my eyes away and neither could he. Fred tapped my shoulder and I came to the realisation that everyone was looking at the front apart from me and the icy eyed boy. I looked back for a moment to see him no longer staring it me, but at Fred.


The first night at school after a break, we always spent hanging out in the common room, catching up on things others had missed. Even though Achilles and Luna were from the Ravenclaw house, they always hung out with us in the Gryffindor common room as it was our main place to go. All huddled around the fire, sat on the ground and on the sofa. It was soothing to know we were all here with no trouble, able to chill out and be with people I trust throughout the school year.

"It was so hard to convince Uncle Vernon to let me go with you guys but when I tell you he was scared when you were all in out lounge." Everyone bust out into giggles remembering the moment I wasn't there for. I placed a fake smile over my face, trying to imagine myself in that moment. Seeing the look on Dudley's face when he realised what Fred and George actually gave to him. One of their best pranks.

I was sat with my legs grossed over one another on the cushion of the sofa and resting against the back. Fred was to the left of me and sat with his legs open, one arms resting on the armchair and another on the back of the couch. Normal way a tall guy sits. A chill shivered through my body which he noticed, grabbing the blanket at the foot of the sofa, he covered both me and him under, making me snuggle more under his arm.

"What about you Vicky? What did you do in the summer?" Hermione looked over at me. I know she was asking an innocent question but it was a hard one to answer. I practically did nothing over the summer, apart from help my dad out with work and my mother around the house. I was only allowed to stay at the Weasleys a couple days and for the rest I had to tell them I was away as my dad doesn't like people bothering the house. But how can I put that into words. I really didn't want to start this year off with lies because one will become two. Two then three. Three to four. And eventually I'll be drowning in my own lies and won't be able to breath.

"Oh you know, not much. Out and about with the family." One. I smiled at her, my eyes darting around the group as they all had pretty neutral faces, a few smiling through the awkwardness. I pulled the blanket further up my face as Fred's' hand slid down to my arm, rubbing it in comfort.


The hours had swallowed and it was way into dark. Achilles and Luna made their way back to their common room before anyone could notice they were missing, and I was just about dosed off into a sleep. My head had fallen into Fred's chest as I lost consciousness in a deep sleep. I was half awake when he lifted me up over his shoulders, carrying my up to my dorm in a fireman's lift. Before I knew it, I was met with the comfort of my mattress and the tucking in of my duvet.

I was facing Nova when my eyes were half open and hearing what she was saying.

"I know." I reached out my hand and she grabbed it, keeping hold of her warmth whilst we said goodnight before I was out like a light.


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