~ four ~

15 3 15

They're all 16 in this year btw (Goblet of Fire). I changed the ages around so they'd be older. Will make more sense later on ;)


Victoria Blake POV*

For the fourth year-round, I was once again stood on Platform 9 ¾ with the mother and father either side if me. I was scanning the platform for my friends, not listening to anything my parents were saying, catching the eyes of Draco Malfoy. His eyes almost as bright as his hair, I scowled and looked away, the redness of Ron's hair catching my eye.

God, I missed everyone. I stayed with the Weasleys a couple nights during the holidays, but that was pretty much it. My parents only allowed me to have a couple nights away for some daft reason most likely. It was just nice to know id be waking up with them again.

"Vicky. Victoria Blake." My mother clicked her finger in my face grabbing my attention. "Your father has been talking to you for the past 5 minutes and you have been very rudely ignoring him." My mother was only stern at times when conversation was about my father.

"Sorry, I was daydreaming." I say apologetically.

"Well, as I was saying. We know you're at that age when things change in your life being a teenage girl." Sick began rising in my throat, knowing where this was going "And well, your mother and I thought we should get you this book about the woman cycle and menstruati-" I cut my father off before he could finish his sentence snatching the book he pulled from his briefcase with a large picture of a uterus on the cover, shoving it to the bottom of my case. People around had caught onto the conversation, which I gathered from the bizarre glare of kids and parents around. The worst part was that Malfoy himself was looking at me with a devilish smirk on his face before looking down, still holding that smirk.

"Mother! Why on earth would you think it's okay for him to say this in a public place with my classmates around. It's embarrassing!" I gritted my teeth together to keep my volume down. I wasn't quite sure as to why I was having a go at my mother considering my father was the one talking about it but I knew that this would've been an idea of my mothers.

"Don't you dare speak to her like that Victoria. This was both of our decision to have this talk with you. Anyway, that's not all. You're to keep your distance from the Malfoy boy from now on. I know you two seem to clash a lot but you are not to engage with him. Not whilst these rumours are about." I wasn't quite sure what rumours he was on about but I wasn't sure why he was telling me this.

Yes, Malfoy and I occasionally had small arguments in class but who didn't? I don't plan on becoming buddies with him. he publicly harasses my friends every chance he gets, what's the point in becoming friends with him. Ew, the idea of being friends with Malfoy creeps me out in a way.

I had once against lost track of what my parents were talking about. I began talking before they could.

"Okay, so I'm going to pop onto the train now before you try to give me the talk" I say, making air quotes with my fingers. My mother jumped up from where she was already stood and gripped onto my father's arm.

"Wilfred! How could we forget the talk! That's the main reason as to why we came." Brilliant. She always was one to speak the truth. They didn't want to wave their daughter goodbye on her first day back, she just wanted to humiliate her in front of the people she has to spend the next you're with.

I slipped onto the train before they even started talking about the gross stuff. They hadn't noticed I was gone until they looked at where I was once standing to see I wasn't there and walked away.


My head was resting on the table of an empty carriage until I head the piling in of bodies in the carriage. Each of my five friends fought their way through the space. I decided to sit on the table, legs crossed, until they all sat down and started chatting.

"I heard your dad" Nova said, trying to contain her laughter "you even got Malfoy listening." Her and the others began to laugh and I put my legs out in front of me leaning my head back on the glass. I shook my head in embarrassment as Nova went into my case pulling out the book my father gave to me. I didn't even care until Novo was holding up a pack of condoms which sent everyone into a burst of laughter. "EXTRA LARGE" She screamed from the top of her lungs. I snatched them out of her hand shoving them down into my pocket. I crossed my legs up crossing my arms over them digging my head down into my knees.


A couple hours passed and we were all pretty worn out but the long train ride. The bottom of my spin begun to ache when I moved.

I sat up, spreading my legs in front of me, stretching my arms out tin the came direction. I noticed harry sat in the let to the left of me holding a letter. He was reading it over and hover again holding a pen in the other.

"What you got there?" I spoke in a calm voice, noticing how tense he already was I didn't was to pile him with a bunch of questions. Everyone's attention drew to harry as soon as I spoke.

"Vernon didn't sign my permission slip to go to Hogsmeade again." Everybody let out a small disappointed sigh. "I'm considering forging his signature."

"Harry no. You know that will land you in much more trouble than using the cloak." Hermione protested. She grabbed the pen out his hand.

"You still have the cloak, don't you? I mean your uncle didn't find out about it did they?" I asked looking up at Harry's case above in in the rack.

As harry opened his mouth to speak, he was interrupted by the Slytherin boy opposite me. Malfoy had grown a lot since we last saw him, his voice growing deeper with him. "And what cloak is this?" He asked raising an eyebrow in my direction. I kept eye contact with him, showing him that I wont back down no matter how much he wants to stare me down.

Ron had risen from his seat, height only a little shorter than Malfoys. He didn't move at all, his lower abdomen touching the end of the table, also where my sneakers grazed his matte black suit.

"I don't suppose this is anything I should inform someone about, is it?" He spoke in his cocky and slightly intimidating voice, staring Harry down, his eyes flickering in my direction every few seconds.

"Back off Malfoy." Ron moved closer to him before he was pulled back down by Nova who had one arm around his chest. Malfoy's face wasn't impressed. His eyes move slowly down to my pocket and that smirk from on the platform filled his face as he chuckled to himself and looked between my eyes and my pocket.

"Have fun." He laughed to himself as a blush of embarrassment filled my face noticing a few condoms had found their way out of my pocket.

What a brilliant way to start the year.


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