Chapter 12 - Teamwork

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The world got wind of Loki's story pretty quickly, and you were all relieved to find out that the public's reactions were mostly positive.

And, of course, Tony being Tony, announced that this was cause to throw a party.

Loki was very much against having a party thrown in his honor, which made reason for a very heated breakfast conversation.

"I truly don't see the point of this, Stark," Loki grumbles from his plate of pancakes across the table from you.

"What, you don't want a 'Hey, We All Thought Loki was a Tyrannical Asshole but it Turns Out That He Isn't Tyrannical and is Only a Bit of an Asshole Party' party?" You ask, looking up from your bowl of Frosted Flakes to meet his gaze.

Loki glares at you, albeit playfully, and with a flick of his wrist, the scoop of cereal and milk that was on the spoon you were raising to your mouth falls into your lap, soaking your pajama pants.

"See what I mean? Asshole," you say, throwing your spoon at the god who dodges it easily.

"So it's funny when she does that stuff to us, but not when someone else does it to her?" Sam asks, and makes the mistake of raising his glass of orange juice to take a sip.

Under the table, you flick your wrist, and the orange juice splashes out of the cup and onto his face and shirt.

"Goddamit! That's the third time this week!" Sam exclaims grumpily and Bucky reaches over to give you a high-five.

Loki conjures up a fresh spoon and passes it to you across the table as Stark speaks up.

"Any reason to throw a party is a reason to throw a party. Even for Reindeer Games. And, let's be honest, we all know that most of the attention will me on moi anyways."

You frown, and the syrup that Tony is carefully pouring onto his waffles floods out of the bottle, soaking his waffles.

He immediately glares at Loki, who shrugs innocently before taking a bite out of one of his pancakes. Stark quickly focuses his glare on you instead when he sees the faint wisps of dark purple surrounding your hand.

"You know what? Jokes on you, Y/N, because I love maple syrup. The more the better!" He takes a bite out of his syrup-soaken waffle and gags slightly as he tastes the overly-sweet and mushy pancakes.

"That's gotta be, like, what? 300 calories per bite?" Bruce pipes up from the opposite end of the table.

"I wouldn't be so sure that all the attention will be on you, Stark," Natasha remarks as she knowingly takes a sip of coffee.

"WHAT?" Tony shouts, pressing the back hand of his hand to his head as if he might faint.

"A little birdie told me that Loki and Y/N were trending on Twitter earlier this morning, so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people would be focusing on that."

"I WAS TRENDING ON TWITTER AND NO ONE TOLD ME?" You shout in disbelief, immediately pulling your phone out of your pocket.

"Don't bother, Y/N, I'll fill you in," Pietro tells you, and you nod back in response.

 "So you know how basically during the entire press conference yesterday you and Loki weren't paying attention and being really flirty?"


Pietro cuts you off by putting his hand out in front of you, and continues his explanation.

"Basically, one of the camera people got a few good pictures of you and Loki together, and posted them online. And then Twitter got a hold of them and lost its shit, as Twitter tends to do."

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