Chapter 29 - Goddamn Flowers

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lmao this is gonna be all of you after this chap^^

You just barely manage to mask the look of shock on your face as the exceptionally large golden doors to the throne room swing open, revealing an even more impressive golden throne towering over the room.

The thing that was less than exceptional happened to be the man -- or, rather, the god sitting atop of it.

Although you had heard many stories of Odin's cruelty and less-than-subtle favoritism towards his older son, physically seeing him in front of you caused your rage and hatred to double in size.

It takes every bone in your body not to rush forward and immediately start cussing Odin out for the many atrocities he's committed, and you clench your fists tightly at your side as you follow behind Thor and Loki.

"Ah, my sons," Odin's booming voice echoes throughout the large room, and you visibly cringe on behalf of Loki at the title.

You silently pray to yourself that Odin won't acknowledge your presence or at least make it as bearable as possible, but your hopes are quickly shattered at his next words.

"And who is this with you? Certainly she cannot be mortal; I sense too much power within her to be as such."

Luckily, before you can open your mouth to reply, Thor quickly steps in.

"This is Lady Y/N, Father. She is a part of the team of Avengers that I fight with on Midgard, and is quite skilled in physical combat as well as... magic," Thor finishes, choosing to simply proclaim your powers as being magic rather than describing exactly what they are and how you came into the possession of them.

"Step forward, child," Odin commands, and Loki steps slightly to the side so you can begrudgingly move forward. As you come into better view of the throne, you see a beautiful, blond-haired woman standing slightly behind and to the side of Odin.

Frigga, Thor and Loki's mother, you silently tell yourself as you shift uncomfortably under Odin's gaze.

"And what is she doing on Asgard?" Odin asks Thor, and you find it slightly offensive that he doesn't direct his question towards you; as if you weren't even in the room at all.

"I'm sure that Y/N can speak for herse-" Loki begins, but is quickly cut off by Odin before he can finish his sentence.

"I believe that I asked Thor the question, not you," Odin says bitterly, and, if even possible, you clench your fists together even tighter than before.

"Lady Y/N was assigned to keep a watchful eye on Loki during his time with the Avengers, and we all agreed that it would be best for her to tell you her findings directly, rather than her telling me and risking any information being lost or altered in the relay," Thor says, bending the truth slightly to cover for you.

Odin only nods slightly at Thor's words, and you have no choice but to assume he believed his eldest son's words. Your eyes flicker to Loki's stiff figure uncertainly, feeling quite awkward in front of a literal king, but Loki's eyes are fixed firmly on the floor and he doesn't seem to notice your unease, which is quite out of character for him.

"Then, I suppose it would be best if I were to speak to the girl alon-" Odin begins, but is quickly cut off by the most unexpected person.

"I think that it would be best if I were the one to talk to Lady Y/N," Frigga tells her husband gently, and you see a brief flicker of annoyance from being interrupted in Odin's one good eye before he snaps out of it and considers his wife's words.

"Very well. Frigga shall take her to speak in her private chambers, while I speak to you both," Odin tells Loki and Thor, and you know that there's no hope in arguing your way out of this.

𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 (𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now