Chapter 27 - Deal

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"Brother! Lady Y/N!" Thor shouts, entering the movie room loudly.

You and Loki are sprawled out on the couch together, being too tired to move back up to your respective rooms after the final Harry Potter movie was over. The rest of the team left throughout the remainder of the last movie, eventually leaving only you and Loki in the theater as the movie came to an end.

Your head is rested gently atop Loki's gently rising and falling chest, and you're placed slightly in between the back of the couch and the rest of Loki's body. His left arm is wrapped around your waist possessively, although you refuse to acknowledge it in its entirety; instead, you play it off as just simply an unconscious movement that had happened sometime throughout the night.

"Go away, you oaf," Loki murmurs softly without opening his eyes. His grip on your waist tightens ever so slightly as he lets out a content exhale, intending to go back to sleep.

"But it's urgent!" Thor whines, and Loki cracks open one eye to send Thor a death glare.

"Are you crazy, Brother?" Loki hisses, doing his best not to wake you; unbeknownst to him that you're already three-quarters awake and are simply feigning sleep so that you don't have to leave his comforting embrace.

"Mother has sent a message through Heimdall; she said that Father wants us to return to Asgard at once. She explained that she wasn't at liberty to discuss everything until the both of us are there."

You can sense Loki's disdain at Thor's use of the word 'father' to describe Odin, but he doesn't speak on it. "We just got Y/N back, Thor, after it was my fault that we lost her. I can't leave her here, knowing that she is still healing from both the physical and emotional wounds that were inflicted upon her. I swore to myself that I wouldn't let any more harm come to her, and I intend to keep that promise."

Your heart swells slightly at Loki's words; it seems that he truly does care for you. It takes all of your effort to prevent your heart rate from increasing from your position still laying against his chest, as you know that it would almost certainly alert him to the fact that you were awake.

"I know that you care for Y/N, Brother. I have never seen you with such concern and fear for another person as I had when she was missing. However, we cannot deny a request from the Allfather. If he wishes for our presence back in Asgard, then we must fulfill his wishes at once."

You feel Loki stiffen under you at Thor's words. "I just..." Loki trails off, unused to being this open and vulnerable towards his brother. "I want- I need to keep her safe. I know how it feels to be tortured like that; to be forced to question your own reality and existence. I can't leave her here on her own after that."

"Then bring her with us," Thor suggests, and you can't tell from his tone if he's joking or not.

"What?" Loki replies instantly. "Are you mad, Brother? Father would never allow me to bring a mortal back to Asgard."

"Well, you must make up your mind quickly then, Brother. We are leaving at midday, with or without Y/N," Thor sighs, and walks to the doorway before turning back around. "You are the God of Lies, after all. I'm sure that you could make up a reason for why you want Lady Y/N to accompany us."

You hear Thor's heavy footsteps receding back down the hallway as Loki lets out a small sigh before extending his hand to brush a stray piece of your hair out of your face.

"You can stop pretending to be asleep now, Darling."

You groan at his words, but keep your eyes firmly shut as you attempt to relish in Loki's comforting embrace for a bit longer.

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