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3rd POV

With the first night at Beacon behind
Y/N, he sat in the cafeteria with a file in front of him. He took a bite of the massive amount of food that was on his plate.

Y/N: this tastes horrible.
Venom: Ketchup?!
Y/N: what?

He felt ketchup fly onto his body, staining his clothes and splattering onto his face before the bottle was thrown to the ground.

Venom: Yummy....

Y/N sighed as he looked at the file of a young woman.

Venom: who is that?
Y/N: Frances Louise Barrison. Went by Sandra Deel for a little bit.
Venom: she is pretty, not my type though.
Y/N: what even is your type?
Venom: you'll laugh.
Y/N: you've been with me for years now, you can tell me.
Venom: I like pancakes.
Y/N: too.
Venom: not the food. I mean....pancakes.
Y/N: I'm going to need you to be more specific.
Venom: I like girls that are apart of the itty bitty titty committee.

Y/N had a smile grow across his face as he was trying to hold back laughing.

Venom: men aren't bad either. I do not discriminate.
Y/N: oh believe me, I'm well aware. You already spoke about taking transvestites and how juicy they can be. Alright, so what do you like in guys?
Venom: I like my men like I like Alfred Molina.
Y/N: fair enough. Now...back to work.
Venom: so what is she doing?
Y/N: there have been rumors that she was hauled off to a secret facility. Apparently talking to serial killer Cletus Kassidy drove her a little mad.
Venom: Cletus....why does that name sound familiar?
Y/N: he was on the news. He was holding a cop's family hostage, wife and of the kids didn't make it. An officer disobeyed an order and it got him killed. The bastard got demoted for it. Don't forget we called in suspicions.
Venom: ah yes, I remember now. Two people coming in. One with red hair and the other is...your type.
Y/N: what do you mean by tha-woah.

Y/N: what do you mean by tha-woah

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All credit goes to artist.

Nora: I don't see why you needed to walk me over here.
Pyrrha: I was told you needed some food, and I'm happy to help a fellow huntress in training, who knows, we could possibly end up on the same team together.
Nora: that would be alright.

The girls then looked the ketchup covered Y/N.

Pyrrha: are you ok?
Y/N: yep. Just some ketchup.
Nora: quite a plate you got there.
Y/N: I guess you could say I'm eating for two.
Pyrrha: you make it seem like you are pregnant.
Y/N: no. Tapeworm.

A black tendril came from Y/N's chest and cracked him into the table before going back inside him.

Y/N: ow!
Pyrrha: what was that?!
Y/N: why did you have to do that Venom, it was cover.
Venom: I'm sensitive about that. You promised!
Y/N: I know I promised! You didn't need to crack my head.
Venom: don't tell me how to express myself!
Nora: you alright?
Y/N: arguing with what you just saw crack my face into the table.

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