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3rd POV

Cletus sat on the bed, a doctor was seen with two needles and taping both to get the air bubbles out of them.

Warden: Cletus, is there anything you would like to say before you depart to the afterlife.
Cletus: there is Warden.

Cletus then arched his head up.

Cletus: they all screamed for their final moments alive...At least I allow you one hell of a show.

The families all looked at him with horror and hatred.

Cletus: come on, inject me already, I don't have all day now.

The fluids then went into Cletus' arm, he dozed off and went to sleep before another liquid went to enter his body, only for some red to block up the tubing and waking him back up.

Cletus: uh....something is going on!

As he said this his voice began to distort and his face began to morph as red tendrils began to slowly protrude from his body, he was heard screaming in pain as the families all got out of their seats and ran from the execution chamber as the bolts began to pop off. A tendril grabbed the warden and snapped his neck as the other one grabbed the cop in the room and threw him through the glass.
The restraints holding Cletus snapped as he looked at his hand began to break apart.

Cletus: what is happening to me?!

The execution chamber blew apart as smoke filled the room, the prisoners in the other area all stopping after hearing the noise. The sound of footsteps were heard in the silent room as a cop opened the door to the massive hangout, only to get pulled back in as quickly as he was out, the sound of his scream was heard before the sound of bones cracking.
The doors then flew open as a red creature stood in the doorway, tendrils around its back as it let off a low growl.

Prisoner: what the hell is that thing?!

The red creature let out a booming roar, it started off beastly before turning into the sound of a man screaming. A tendril grabbed an inmate and pulled him in close before biting off his head and tossing him to the side.

?????: Let there be.....Carnage.

Two more tendrils shot out, one grabbing a cop and the other grabbing another inmate, throwing them to the side like they were nothing. Carnage went on all fours and began running, it tackled a man to the ground and placed its mouth around his head and tore it off before swallowing it, blood staining the teeth.

Carnage: Delicious.

Carnage's tongue then shot from his head and wrapped around a cops neck and began to pull him close before tearing off his head and swallowing it too.

Carnage: Power up.

The red creature grew slightly larger before letting out another roar as it ran to one of the prison cells and ripped it from the wall before diving in, eating the prisoner inside and causing a massive spray of blood. Carnage then busted through the wall before letting out another roar, the body morphing back to Cletus.

Cletus: that Carnage.


Y/N sat in his dorm writing in a notepad. He had a black eye and a bleeding lip that was slowly healing.

Venom: I still believe you should let me eat her.
Y/N: do you really want to go back to that hotel.
Venom: no.
Y/N: well we gotta put up with bitch for a little longer, then we get to ride the sweet life...then possibly eat her.
Venom: just a few more classes and cases like this....we can go to Malibu!
Y/N: what the hell is a Malibu?

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