The Plan

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3rd POV

Y/N walked into Glynda's class and sat down, her arms folded as she glared at him.

Glynda: you didn't show up. Why?
Y/N: we can explain everything.
Glynda: go on.
Y/N: now that I think about it, I don't want to say:
Glynda: and why is that?
Y/N: because it's not particularly safe.
Glynda: just tell me.
Venom: if you want, I can tell her.
Y/N: do you know how to word it?
Venom: hopefully.

Venom emerged from Y/N's body and looked at Glynda.

Glynda: I will never get used to that.
Venom: sit down lady, you are going to want to.

Glynda walked over to a chair and sat down.

Glynda: go on.
Venom: so we were walking and then we got a call. It was an unknown number and we figured it was from our side hustle because let's face it, this place is expensive and doesn't pay for shit. So we answered it and we heard the voice of Cletus Kassidy.

Glynda's head perked up.

Glynda: Cletus Kassidy?
Venom: yeah, the famous killer.
Y/N: I'm supposed to meet him at his cell at 10. He probably wants to give me some information or tease me before they put him to death.
Glynda: they'll put him to death?
Y/N: the man murdered four girls and buried them somewhere. I want to find them.
Glynda: why do you believe you should do it?
Y/N: we all have our reasons.
Venom: oooh, ominous.
Y/N: so yeah. I'm going to see him.
Glynda: not if you are confined to your dorm.
Venom: you wouldn't dare.

The scene then cut to Y/N in the dorm.

Venom: damn....she did dare.
Y/N: we go through the windows.
Venom: sensors Y/N. I think you know what we must do.
Y/N: we can't destroy the wall....or eat Glynda!
Venom: I bet she would taste delicious though.
Y/N: no.
Venom: the pantyhose she wears is preserving her legs like salt on a smoked ham. Oooooh. Please let me!
Y/N: No!
Venom: Atleast a nibble!?
Y/N: Venom!
Venom: maybe a lick?
Y/N: must we go to the chicken farm again?
Venom remained silent for a few seconds.
Venom: alright, I see you're being serious. What should we do?
Y/N: we can ask Pete to help us with a distraction.
Venom: a distraction?
Y/N: yes.
Venom: and you think it will work, right?
Y/N: right.
Venom: wrong.
Y/N: why?
Venom: because he will blow at it.
Y/N: name one time he blew at something.
Venom: I smelled him in his sleep, he still has the blood of a virgin.
Y/N: so virgins have different smelling blood?
Venom: never as potent as his, he is super virgin. I can guarantee his mother was like Mary from the Bible.
Y/N: God Damn.
Venom: exactly.

The sound of the door opening was heard, both Venom and Y/N looking at who walked in, it being Peter and Gwen.

Gwen: hey you two.....what the hell?!

She just saw Venom's big toothy smile.

Venom: hi, my name is Venom, you are cute, I am a bachelor, get in bed.
Y/N: hey!
Venom: what? I've watched enough anime to know what I'm doing.
Y/N: this is embarrassing....can I ask one of you a favor.
Gwen: depends.
Y/N: I need you guys to make a distraction so I can leave.
Peter: what kind of distraction.
Venom: you can throw a steaming hot coffee at Glynda, make her face nice and tender.
Y/N: Venom!

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