The News

567 21 3

3rd POV

Y/N sat in his bed with the tv playing, Venom with a bowl of popcorn in his tendrils as he ate.

Venom: want some?
Y/N: nah, I'm good.
Venom: are you sure?
Y/N: I'm positive.

Venom continued eating the popcorn before tilting the bowl and began eating it that way.

Venom: I always did love this kind of stuff.
Y/N: what even got you into soap operas?
Venom: nights where you slept well. I would sit back and enjoy.

The screen then changed as a news caster was seen.

News Lady: we have breaking news, Cletus Kassidy has escaped from prison, leaving a trial of destruction at the very prison he escaped, he is considered armed and dangerous.

Venom and Y/N both slowly turned their heads to look at each-other.

Venom: Knull Dammit!
Y/N: how the fuck?!

The sound of knocking on the door was heard, a tendril grabbed the knob and opened it, Peter and Gwen walked in.

Peter: are you seeing this shit?!
Y/N: unfortunately.
Venom: alright, how could he have escaped? He was being sent to death.
Gwen: they said it was a massacre over there
Y/N: massacre? He's just one man though....

There was then silence.

Venom: uh Y/N....don't be mad.


Cletus sat in an alleyway in his prison jumpsuit as he looked at the passing pedestrians.

Cletus: I need something...with a little more style.

A tendril then shot from his back as it grabbed a man in a Hawaiian shirt and pulled him into an alleyway. The sound of a woman screaming was heard but was quickly silenced by another tendril coming out of the alley and punting her in the face, snapping her neck and sending her to the ground.

Cletus: thank you.
Carnage: it was either that or risk being caught.
Cletus: you don't seem like the kind of thing to worry about being caught.
Carnage: I don't, but I need to find that thing that made me.
Cletus: I believe I know the thing that you are talking about.

Back at Beacon.

Venom: you said you wouldn't be mad!
Venom: I thought it was a food baby!
Y/N: Christ!
Venom: we just need to hope it isn't a red one.
Y/N: why a red one?
Venom: that's when blood gets involved.
Gwen: and if Blood is involved?

Venom then looked at everyone.

Venom: then you, you, you and me, are all fucked.
Peter: how bad?
Venom: think of the last two Star Wars films.
Gwen: they were good.
Venom: Not the shows Gwen, I'm talking about the movies.
Peter: boba Fett wasn't good though.
Venom: episode 5 and 6 were good....JUST SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN THE SHOW!
Y/N: Venom! Who gives a shit about Star Wars!?

Venom, Peter and Gwen both turned to look at him.

Gwen: now you listen here.
Y/N: later! We need to find Cletus before he kills someone else!


Glynda walked through the streets, she had a coat on and an annoyed look on her face. Little did she know about the tendril lurking above her as it dripped with slime. The tendril wrapped around Glynda as she was then pulled upwards on a roof, restrained and trying to fight free, she was shaking as much as she could.

Glynda: unhand me!
Carnage: you better watch your tongue.
Cletus: don't worry, she'll be alright.

Glynda then looked at Cletus who gave a soft smile as the tendrils unraveled her, Carnage looking at her aggressively.

Cletus: hi baby.
Glynda: Cletus....

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