The Lethal Protector

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3rd POV

Glynda: what are you doing?! Is that another monster?!
Cletus: my Angel, I can explain everything.
Glynda: start.
Carnage: you wanted this girl?
Cletus: she has a spark I enjoy greatly my friend. Now I'll be honest, he can explain better where he came from. He wants to kill what made him, and I want revenge on L/N for putting me down for death.
Glynda: I assume you want me to turn a blind eye. Not say anything?
Carnage: it's either you remain quiet or I bite off your face.
Glynda: I can definitely be quiet then.
Cletus: now Carnage, there's no need to be rude. After all, I still have a promise to make to her.
Glynda: promise?


Y/N walked through the streets with Peter and Gwen by his side.

Peter: shouldn't we split up?
Y/N: No!
Gwen: Y/N, you know this Cletus guy better than most, how bad is he? And can't Venom take care of him?
Y/N: Venom easily can, the issue is this. He was getting executed and he escaped, he has a Symbiote. We just need to pray to the Gods that it isn't a red one. And to answer your question, he is one of the most twisted bastards I have ever met.
Peter: do you know how many people he killed?
Y/N: my guess is Atleast ten.
Peter: try sixteen to be more exact.

Venom then poked his head out.

Venom: you've been keeping track of his kills?
Peter: every single one.
Venom: so tell me my dear boy, why do you keep tabs? I mean you're still considered a child.
Gwen: don't you have a strange hobby?
Venom: plenty, but that still doesn't answer my question. What made you want to focus on Cletus?
Y/N: uh may want to make the number 18.

Everyone then saw one corpse on the ground, female with her neck practically snapped, and a corpse in the alleyway.

Venom: they are fresh. Can I-
Y/N: right now?
Venom: I mean...they're just going to waste.
Y/N: can we just please find this guy first? Then if you want...then you can eat him.
Venom: Deal.
Y/N: alright, you're smart. Where do you think he would be?

Venom began to think.

Gwen: what if he is watching us?
Venom: well, he's not, because I would be able to feel hi-

From no where, Y/N and Venom were hit by a red tendril, sending them through the window of the store across the street, the glass cutting up Y/N.

Cletus: I never did think he would shut up. But you're right blondie, I've been watching you since you found those bodies, waiting for my time to strike.

Cletus stood in the alley way, his silhouette being seen.

Peter: Kassidy!
Cletus: well if it isn't the young Parker boy.

Cletus began to grow taller, tendrils coming from his body more.

Gwen: I don't like this at all.
Peter: neither do I.

There was only silence coming from the alley.

Carnage roared out as Peter and Gwen got in a fighting stance

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Carnage roared out as Peter and Gwen got in a fighting stance.

Gwen: Venom is not going to like this one bit.

Meanwhile in the store.

Y/N: know what to do.
Venom: with pleasure!

The Symbiote covered Y/N as he launched from the store and onto the street

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The Symbiote covered Y/N as he launched from the store and onto the street. Venom growled as he then stood up straight and licked his teeth.

Venom: let the party begin!

Carnage then looked over at Venom and roared.

Venom: FUCK!

He then reverted back into Y/N.

Y/N: Uh...buddy...
Venom: This is a no no!
Y/N: I know he's red, but can we try and help out!

Carnage was walking closer.

Y/N: he's going to kill me!
Venom: he will kill both of us!
Y/N: I'll let you eat Glynda's legs if she fucks with us again! Just please get out here!
Venom: Promise!?
Y/N: I do! Just please!

Venom then emerged, using any momentum he had and kicked Carnage in the face and sending him into a wall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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