Chapter 3 - A Night in Prison

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Zayn - Pov.

My eyes were half-lidded as I tried to fall asleep for the hundredth time. The room was bright and cold, the only thing that makes it different from a jail cell is that it was bright all the time. Maybe the room was even worst than a jail cell since I was also tied to a freezing, metal pole. 

The bruise in the back of my head was also throbbing in pain, it could be one of the reasons that I couldn't sleep for the past few hours. Gosh, I shouldn't have come, didn't realize she was this hard to beat. 

I stared up at the one camera that seems to be staring right through me. I couldn't tell the time if the room was literally a box. 

My thoughts were quickly shoved away and my eyes were wide open when the door creak open. "Did you have a nice sleep?" The black-haired girl from last night asked a cunning smile spread across her cheeks. 

"It's worst than a jail cell," 

The lady thief let out a chortle before smirking. "That's just what I want,"

"We haven't finished our conversation from last night, how bout we continue?" 

"There's no point in talking to you, I might as well take you back to England and let you rot in a real jail cell." She shrugged before looking back at me. 

"Well, then you're coming with me," I threw the girl a dominant smile, making her eyes darken in rage. 

"That's not possible,"

"Oh, yes, it is," My smile grew wider, I can feel myself being way more creepy than I intend to. "I made a deal, it's either you give me money and let me go or I'll find a way to take you in with me," 

She took a deep breath before staring up at the camera. "That's also not gonna happen," 

I felt the smile left my lips as she quickly turns towards the door. "You'll stay in here until I find out what to do with you," She added, looking at me before pulling the door shut. 

"AGH!!" I yelled, the veins in my neck were popping. My deep breaths were filled with rage as my jaw clench repeatedly.

I was panting harshly after my failed attempt to free myself from the pole. 


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