Chapter 4 - The bank robbery

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Selena - Pov.

My body slams hard into the back of the door as Zayn's lips collide roughly with my own, his tongue tasting mine. We traded kisses like blows, the fight a gnawing hunger in my core.

I moan as one of his hands trails the curve of my hip and rests on the small of my back. His other hand, held tightly to my waist as my hands roamed unabashedly through his mussed-up dyed blonde hair.

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I push myself off the door, shoving the guy in front of me onto the bed, climbing over his hips, and settling against him. I reach down, pulling my shirt over my head and fling it to the floor. His eyes slowly roam my red bra, noting every detail in his head.

My hands hold his above his head as I lean down and demand his kisses once more. His hips lift, rolling us to the other side of the bed.

One of his hands trailed up my side before lingering on my jaw. He clenches my face gently, pulling my lips to his roughly.

I moaned, trying but failing to turn us back over. Zayn started nibbling and kissing the side of my neck, sending shivers down my spine and to my core. His hands tugging on the side of my bra, asking for permission.

I harshly pushed him off to see the smug look on his face. "I don't even know you," I mumbled, biting the bottom of my lips as I smiled.

"Do you take me that seriously?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"Well, you gotta be someone I know to even have a one-night stand with me, and Yes- I'm no whore," I smirk before pulling his face back onto mine, kissing him roughly.


My nervous system was on alert as I again pushed Zayn off my chest. I turned over to the door to see Taylor standing there with her eyes wide open. "I'm so so sorry, I didn't know-" she swung her index finger at me and Zayn, who quickly got off me.

"No- we're- not," I quickly protested to whatever she was thinking there. My feet quickly searched for my discarded shirt that was on the floor.

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