Chapter 5 - The new member

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Nick - Pov.

"What about the garage?!" 

"You could just close it for a few days!" Selena exclaimed, rolling her eyes in annoyance. 

"You think this will last a few days? No! this is a huge heist, it will take at least a week to plan!" I yelled back at her. 

"Oh, will you keep your voice down, it's in the middle of the night," Zayn hissed, still chewing on the sandwich Kevin had given. 

I glared at Zayn, shutting him up before turning back to look at Selena. "You have a place for me to stay?" 

"Well, yes, you can stay in the same room as your-" She disgustingly pointed at Kevin, who raised an eyebrow, dumbfounded. 

"As- Kevin," I said, reassuring her his name. 

"Yeah, Kevin," She nodded, getting up from the couch. 

I still couldn't believe I'm actually talking with the night runner herself. I mean, She's incredible. All her heist and robbery are just seamless. In the back of my mind, I knew this heist was still very risky, but I trust her. 

Zayn had kept his eyes on me for the whole conversation. Even though he was chewing on the sandwiches, I can tell he was thinking about something else. He was different from the last time we met, it's both the looks and the attitude.

"Give me a few minutes to pack my clothes," I mumbled, getting up after Selena and headed upstairs. The stairs creaked below me as I slowly walked upstairs. 

I entered my dark, dirty room and took out my black duffle bag, hidden in the corner of the bed. I grabbed a handful of random clothes and shoved them into the bag. I'm not a complicated person, and people can tell by just the way I pack my bags.

I snatched the toothbrush and toothpaste from the sink and blindly jabbed them into the bag. I glanced back at the room, seeing a pair of bras and panties shattered on the dirty floor. I let out a breath before walking towards it, picking it up, and then dropping it into my bag.

This could be the least I could do... I thought, exiting the room. I entered the living room again to see Kevin putting on his jeans. Zayn was in the corner, looking at the different mechanical tools while Selena was talking on the phone with someone. 

She seems to notice me as she quickly hangs up the phone. "Aren't you gonna zip the bag?" She asked, pointing at the duffle bag I was holding, trying to hold in her laughter. The other two guys turned their attention to me as I quickly zip up the bag. 

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