The Fall of Khaenri'ah (Genshin Impact)

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• Gender neutral POV
• ~900 words
• description: you're a young kid who witnesses the fall of Khaenri'ah
• YouTube video from "archon":

Drip. drip. Drops of black liquid filled up the small bottle you were holding. With a smile full of excitement you closed it, making sure it wouldn’t open up again and headed back to where you came from. You were the apprentice of Khaenri'ah’s most famous alchemist. For now of course you were only able to do small tasks for her because of your age, but it was the idea that counted for you. “Look, master. I got you the potion!”, you smiled brightly at her. She smiled back. “Great job, little one. You’ll grow to be an amazing alchemist!” Patting your head, she rewarded your actions.
Though she didn’t leave you enough time to reply, for she grabbed the jacket hanging on the wall. “That’ll be all for now, little one. It is time for you to leave. Your mother is probably waiting for you. And this old lady needs her sleep as well”, she spoke in a soft tone, though she was in fact not old at all. You pouted, wanting to learn more about alchemy, but you knew that talking back to her would do no good. “Alright…”, you replied.  After she gave you your jacket, you both walked towards the door. She turned off the light and as you two stepped outside, she took out a key from her pocket. You heard the usual sound of the key locking her lab. Before you could walk away, your master bowed down before you and spoke: “Why don’t you hold on to this for me?” She handed you her key. “It’ll show me how good of a student you really are. Now, don’t go and lose it. We’ll need it if we would want to continue our research tomorrow.” Your crystal shaped irises were gleaming at the request. You excitedly nodded your head telling her you would do your absolute best. She smiled one last time before telling you you could go home.
Without thinking too much about it you hurried home with the piece of metal clasped between your fingers. It was too big for your little hands, as was the burden that it carried. But you were so young and only knew so little.

When the ground started to shake, you tripped over your own shoes barely holding on to the metal key. You looked up to see small rocks falling from above. Khaenri’ah was a city built underground, but looking at how the falling rocks grew to become bigger every time, it wouldn’t be for much longer. Your heart’s beating and your breathing accelerated as you were filled with fear. You ran back to your master, hoping she was still close-by, but when you had reached her lab, you realized she hadn’t even managed to get that far away. Her chest was pierced by a large piece of rock, taking the shape of what seemed like a spear. You wanted to scream but your voice was muffled by those of others. The sky above grew more visible. You had gone to the surface plenty of times, but you never remembered the moon having this dark crimson red color. The clouds hovering over the city were dark, filled with that type of darkness you would only see in nightmares. But that’s what this was, wasn’t it? A nightmare, a real and living nightmare.
Seeing as your master was in no condition to be healed back to life, you hurried between the falling rocks to your home. But upon getting there, you were instead met by a figure standing on a large boulder. He wasn’t facing you, up until you let out a shaky breath. His golden eyes were quick to find yours and that gaze of his pierced through your heart and soul. He jumped down and proceeded to approach you steadily and slowly. In his right hand appeared a polearm, one so big, that there had to be at least five of you to reach the same length. “Morax”, you heard a single voice call. On the same boulder that used to be your house stood a smaller figure this time. At first sight he looked to be an angel, dressed in white and wings of the same color. “It’s just a kid”, the angel spoke again. The taller figure turned around. “But the contract said-. No survivors.” The petite figure gritted his teeth, knowing there was no comeback to that.
A loud and deep laughter of a woman made you turn your eyes away of the two for a slight second. The blaring noise stirred up big crackling flames, covering the entire city, the screams of your kin ringing in your ear. “Hey hey, it’s okay…”, the angel’s voice called for you, holding his hands up like he was trying to calm a scared kitten, “Don’t be afraid. You’ll be fine…” You looked into his sad eyes, glowing a bright aqua green. He smiled ever so slightly, trying his best to bring comfort to you. He was ethereal, your savior. You were mesmerized. But, if only you were a little older, you would have noticed the immense amount of sadness his eyes held. You were oblivious tot the fact he was drawing a bow, since you thought he was holding a harp instead.
“I’ll make sure it won’t hurt…” Together with those soft words full of sorrow and comfort, tears fell from his eyes, as he let go of the string.


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