You had a fight with Albedo (Genshin Impact)

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• gender neutral reader
• ~ 951 words
• description: Albedo lashes out at you when you asked him a peculiar question
• YouTube video from "lyraiine":

You remembered the day you came to being, it was his face you saw first, gentle and sweet. He was happy to see you, and the fact he was, made you warm inside as well. "Hello Mister", you gave him a closed-eyed smile, but the moment those words left your lips, his expression turned into a sad one. He forced a weak smile back and covered you with his jacket, not because of the cold which both of you were unbothered by, but because of your lack of clothing.
You thanked him, to which he said without looking you in the eye: "don't mention it", but never again have you seen that same smile he gave you the first few seconds of your life.

Months later, you stood before the alchemy table inside the camp on Dragonspine. You have never set foot outside of the camp, let alone the mountain, all because that was his request. All because it was him, and you'd do anything to please him, you obliged, no matter what.
You turned your head when you heard the sound of footsteps coming your way. At the sight of the ashy blonde hair, you smiled brightly. "Master Albedo! You're home!", you welcomed him. Again he didn't return the excitement. "I'll just be taking some notes and head back out again...", was all he said. "Oh, okay...", you pouted. "Can I come with?", you had asked this question multiple times before but the answer was always the same. "No", he shook his head. "But-"
"For the millionth time, no!", he raised his voice, to which you turned quiet. After a long silence, you apologized. "I didn't mean to make you angry Master Albedo..." You looked down to the ground, regretting having asked the question in the first place. He sighed and left while saying: "It's fine..."
You stared at his back as he was heading out, still one single question left on your mind.

After that, he visited the mountain less and less often, even you could tell. This time, it had been a whole month that you've been waiting to see his face again, but every day you were again disappointed.
By now, you learned to read all the notes that were left at the camp, most of which still didn't make sense somehow. However, there were two that caught your eye, they were completely different, but interested you both nonetheless. One was a message, maybe a letter, written beautifully and dedicated to someone who's name wasn't familiar to you. The other note contained formula's that made you non the wiser, but the scribbled letters at the bottom read: _a life born from chalk_.
"Hey, don't look at those!", the angry voice of your master caught you by surprise. Completely ignoring his tone you opened your arms to embrace him, but he stopped you. "What were you doing...?" He looked at you with a frown, one you weren't unfamiliar with. Along with his amount of visits growing thinner, he looked at you with more and more disgust every single time.
"Nothing Master Albedo, I'm just glad you're back!", warmth filled your chest as you were able to look at the alchemist once more. "Fine, you...", his frown deepened, "Just don't do it again..." He let you go and took the notes from the table. As he was making his way to the fire to probably burn whatever you had discovered, you stopped him with a question that you had been meaning to ask for awhile now.
"When will you give me a name, Master Albedo?" He stiffened and clenched his fist, almost tearing apart the notes he was holding. "I-... I can't...", he replied. "I can give myself a name of you'd like!", you spoke, without any worries. "No", he turned to say. "But why am I not given a name?" You grew more and more desperate this time. "You have one, right Master Albedo? Why can't I-"
"Stop calling me that with that voice!", he lashed out, looking at you with rage and sadness. "Just-!", he tried his best to calm himself down, "Stop looking at me with those eyes too!", but to no vain. "Why can't you just-! Stop being...", he looked at the ground as if it pained him to say it.
You couldn't understand his request. You couldn't just stop looking, or speaking right? Especially when he was... "But you were the one that created me... were you not...?", you looked at him, touching the crystal shape on your throat. You were desperate for an answer, for you couldn't understand what he was asking of you. "Didn't you create me for a reason?!", you shouted. "I was mourning!", he yelled back and you stared at him wide eyed, "I was hurt and sad! And all I wanted was to get them back! To the point where I did what I never should've done!"
"I-I don't understand...", you stuttered, "Of course you don't! You're not real! You never were! You'll never be them!" At this point your master was crying his heart out. You looked at the tears rolling down his face, ones you wanted to stop. "M-master, I-..."
"You may look like them, and talk like them! But you'll never be them, you hear!" He inched closer to you, "So please just stop..." His voice during that last sentence was low and husky from the hurt it had been through. Purely out of instinct to comfort him, you embraced your master and he didn't stop you this time.

"I'm here Albedo...", you softly whispered, to which he hugged back, shivering and crying in the arms of the person he used to love.

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