Laying in a field of flowers with Childe (Genshin Impact)

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• gender neutral
• ~ 590 words
• description: you go to a flower field together with Childe hoping he'll open up to you
• [Sadly this YouTube video has been blocked, but you can find the playlist on Spotify] from "ventiffin"

You knew that despite his cheerful act, he was hurting inside the most. His job as a fatui harbinger weighted on him together with the guilt of all the lives that he had taken. That, and of course his family that he was forced to leave behind because of said reason. You knew that despite his charismatic act, he was afraid of being close to others. You could read it in his eyes, which lacked the warm glow you were used to see in others'.
Deep down he was scared. Scared of not being able to protect anyone he was close to from dangers, and scared of not being able to protect them from himself.

But you were different and you were going to prove that to him. You had the strength to take care of yourself and take care of him at the same time. If push ever came to shove and either of you would be threatened because of his job, you'd be there to stop it. That's how much you cared for him.

Over time, your bond grew as you noticed how he too grew more easygoing around you. The difference between when you first met him and now, was so small yet so immense. Although he was still as talkative, he meant more of each word he said. And even though he still liked playing tricks on you, they turned more into mild teases instead.

Holding his hand, you guided him around the fields of Liyue. Bringing him to a place you were sure he hadn't seen before. "Holding hands, huh? I gotta say, your confidence astonishes me sometimes, comrade." You ignored yet another one of his teases, because you had grown used to them. However, your silence didn't give him a reason to do the same.
It was only when you revealed a field, hidden behind a rock, filled with colorful flowers of all shapes and sizes that he seemed to have swallowed that tongue of his. The smell of all the colors was far superior to any perfume you could buy.

When you took a seat among the flowers, you beckoned him to sit next to you. When he did, he was quick to pull out another one of his lame comments, but you stopped him mid sentence. "You know why I brought you here?", You asked in a calm voice and with a sweet smile. He could barely mutter a decent reply: "oh-?", because of the surprise.
You picked a flower from between you two and held it in front of you as you laid down, some of the flowers tickling your ears. "I want you to trust me Childe... Ajax", you corrected yourself, "I know you're afraid. But you're aware now there's no reason for that between us." You looked up at him, as he was still sitting down, though he was looking the other way. "I want you to show me more of your true self. I don't want you to hide anymore. I'll be here forever you know, and that's a promise..."
Quietly, he mimicked your position as he laid down beside you. You shared a glance in silence as you could finally see the warm glow return in his ocean blue eyes. With tears threatening to overflow he closed them and formed the truest smile he had ever given you.

"Thank you...", he whispered quietly, the sound of his voice holding so much emotion that it was hard for you not to have an emotional breakdown right at that moment.

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