Day 37

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AN: Hey guys, long time no see. I really did not expect this story to blow up the way it did and I could not thank you all enough for the support. You can't imagine how much joy you all have brought to me. I love you guys! This chapter is for you!

37 days since the Tommyinnits disappearance:

Tubbo thinks about giving up.

Even if they fund Tommy, he won't be the Tommy they remember.

The things Dream would have done to him...

Michael has been oblivious to all of this. His joy is the only thing that has kept Tubbo going. He and the thought that maybe, just maybe, Tommy would find his way home.

Sleeping is another thing that Tubbo has given up on. He can't even remember the last time he had a dream less sleep.

Pun intended.

Everytime he close my eyes, he sees Dream, Tommy, and him on that mountain the day they went to get those bloody discs.

Ranboo usually wakes up to screaming. He himself has also gave up on sleeping to wake Tubbo up. The pain it brings him to hear his platonic soulmates screams...

Techno just sleeps through the screaming. It's not like he doesn't care, it is just the voices tell him to sleep. They usually tell him what and what not to do, and he usually listens, except when it is an act of violence.

He decides that.

Phil stands by Ranboo, and helps with the screaming. He did raise 3 children all on his own, so he knows a thing or too about nightmares. He also remembers the times he was woken up to Tommy's screams when he stayed with them after exile.

Phil vividly remembers the day Techno came back with Dream and not Tommy. For a split second he was terrified, knowing what the masked man infront of him had done to his youngest, but then he saw the look on Techno's face, and he knew.

The look on Techno's face was pure hatred and a splash on sadness, but not for the man next to him. For the boy he used to call a brother. The boy he told was his friend.

Even though it didn't feel right to go against Tommy that day, he knew L'manburg had to go. It was the cause of every problem. The loss of his children and their family dynamic.

But looking back on it know, he knew how stupid he was. L'manburg was everything to his other 2 sons and they gave everything they could to have what the peaceful nation that they craved.

L'manburg wasn't the problem.

Dream was.

Dream had them all by the strings that connect them all to him. His little puppets. We do what Dream wants or be punished for it.

Look at Tommy for example, he went against Dream and now he is off the rails completely.

Phil sighs at the thought, while cutting up some fruit for Michael's midday snack.

"Any luck?" Phil asks setting the tray of fruit down next to the little hybrid.

"Nope." Techno says, making a popping sound with the p.

"Tubbo, I think it's time we go to-" Ranboo mutters, loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"No." Tubbo interrupts, louder then intended.

"Tubbo, come on! It's the only place we haven't been too!" Ranboo urges.

"I know, I know." Tubbo sighs putting his head in his hands.

"What are you guys talking about?" Techno asks, confused.

"Logsteadshire. Tommy's exile location." Ranboo informs.

"Why didn't we think of that before?!" Techno yells.

"Have you ever been to Logsteadshire, Techno? Have you ever seen it?" Tubbo exclaims.

"No, but-"

"There are craters made by explosives all over, buildings that were once Tommy's home turned to rubble, and a tower as high as the clouds that I thought Tommy killed himself off of, so don't yell at me for not wanting to relieve the day I thought I lost my bestfriend!" Tubbo's anger rises with every word.

Silence falls across the room after Tubbo's outbreak. The only sound that can be heard is Michael munching on his apple slices, without peanutbutter because they found out the other day that he was allergic to the substance after his face blew up like a red balloon.

The silence is broken with an angered sigh from Tubbo as he gets up and exits the room, Ranboo in tow.

Techno leans back in his chair, running his fingers through his long pink hair.

"Hey mate, you didn't know." Phil tries to comfort.

"The thing is, I did know Phil. I knew what Tommy went through, and how it affected Tubbo. I was there when Tubbo found out that Tommy was actually alive, the shock on his face is still burned into my memory." Techno puts his head in his hands.

"Techno, don't you dare blame yourself for anything! You know your mistakes and you want to fix them, isn't that enough? You were there for Tommy when no one else was, and I mean sure blowing up L'manburg maybe wasn't the right call, but you regret it." Phil urges his son to forgive himself.

"It's so hard, Phil. It's so hard to forgive myself." Techno whispers brokenly. "The voices... the voices, Phil. Some of them try to justify what I did, what I chose to do."

"Don't listen to them." Phil says as if it were so easy to do so.

Techno looks at his father, tears glistening in both of their eyes. "And how am I supposed to get over the fact that I killed Tubbo?"

"That's for you and Tubbo to figure out. Talk to him. Use your words and not your actions."

"Ok." Techno answers shortly, nodding.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter, I just really wanted to get one out there. I promise a bigger chapter next! Oh and guess what guys? So I fell in love with Harry Potter over quarantine and ever since then I've wanted to go to Universal and guess what my mom told me? We are going in December! I've never even been to Florida either! Or been on a plane! I'm so excited! I'm going to get a wand and a Slytherin necklace and a sweater and butter beer AHHHHHHH! *High pitched girl scream* I'm such a nerd. Anyway hope you guys liked the chapter, once again sorry for the short chapter.

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